

拉卜楞寺导游词 篇1



拉卜楞寺还有“拉康”18处。“拉康”(佛寺)即全寺各扎仓的喇嘛集体念经的聚会之所。其中以寿禧寺规模最大,有6层,高20余米,殿内供高约15米的释迦牟尼佛像。屋顶金龙蟠绕,墙旁银狮雄踞,外观十分宏伟。人称拉卜楞寺是藏传佛教的高等学府,是当之无愧的。出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt

拉卜楞寺导游词 篇2




拉卜楞寺导游词 篇3

Labrang red religion temple is located next to Wangfu village, Jiujiatownship. The red religion belongs to the "Ningma" sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Itbelieves in Lotus peanuts. Monks wear white cassocks with red edges and braidson their heads. They settle down, marry and have children. In June 1880, thefourth jiamuyanggazangtu danwangxiu was in the local xianglang of ledi chagao.The signs in one night's dream coincided with master lianhuasheng's prophecy. Hefelt that the time had come to establish the Hongjiao temple. Therefore, inApril 1887, he carried out Buddhist activities, called together monks scatteredin various villages, formulated Temple rules, assigned administrators, and gaveeach administrator a cassock and other monks Each person is given 50 coppercoins as gifts to master lianhuasheng in the temple.

In 1946, the fifth Jiamuyang danbeijianshen built the Sutra hall and somemonasteries, and appointed the living Buddha degekang as the platform of thetemple. In October of the lunar calendar, master Jiamuyang came to thecelebration ceremony to chant sutras and pray. The Sutra hall was namedsangqinmengjilang, and Huici Temple monk wore new cassock (now attire) and othertemple rules.

There are three classes in Labrang Hongjiao temple. The primary classmainly studies the Scriptures that are often recited, followed by the skills ofZhengcao calligraphy, intonation and rhyme of chanting scriptures, and theshaping of Gama. The intermediate class studies grammar, grammar, poetics,medicine and other subjects. The advanced class studies the esoteric sutras suchas "the teachings of master Pu Xian".

Besides normal religious activities, Tibetan opera performance is also amajor activity in Labrang red religion temple. Tibetan Opera is performed duringmajor festivals such as the first month of the year. The performance team of thetemple was founded in 1955, and its first play was "zhimeigengdeng", including"adaramao", "Chisong Dezan" and "Sangmu".

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