

英文导游词范文 篇1

Suzhou city in 514 BC, the prince he lu fu father life defecting will set up he lu wu chu city, has a history of more than 2500 years ago.

During the spring and autumn period, here is the capital of the kingdom of wu, still retains many sites about xi shi, wu zixu, etc. Sui huang nine years (AD 589) said in the beginning of suzhou, in use today.

City of suzhou city building early, large scale, surface parallel and adjacent river street, the ancient city is located on the site, still rarely seen at home and abroad.

Suzhou gardens of guilin, has been listed in the world cultural heritage list, in China's four big gardens, suzhou has a humble administrator's garden, lingering garden two seats.

The first places of human ". Hu qiu profound cultural accumulation, making it a tourist will visit to suzhou; The tang dynasty poet's poem "the present paper arrives at an inter pretation" poetry, the ancient and modern tourists to visit maple bridge, hearing hanshan temple bells.

Gusu outside the beautiful natural scenery, resentments, balance, tianchi and the mountains in dongting, ornament in taihu lake, formed the rich jiangnan amorous feelings of lakes and mountains.

Suzhou has both the beauty of the landscape and scenery of wins, natural and human landscape in photograph reflect, together with letters fude sings, made suzhou a veritable "paradise on earth".

英文导游词范文 篇2

Xiangxi tujia miao contains the rich folk culture and folk art, tujia waving dance, autumn festival, the diaojiao building, sealand karp, merchant lusheng, MuGuWu is famous for. Tujia embroidery, merchant batiks is dramatic. Tujia miao song of the sea. Everyone's anthem, nowhere not song, song sea of folk songs, overflow the stronghold. Have a song, songs, folk songs, Ru grass such as gongs and drums, vivid image, phonological harmony, QingZhenYiZhi, graceful melodious. Smell of such as dry syrup, such as the spring breeze. Look at tujia and miao unique diaojiao building, diaojiao building belongs to the wood structure, has a unique design of the corner hanging around, brush tung oil, province work, beautiful and easy, xiangxi a spectacle.

Miao costumes, colorful, full of rich people put characteristics. In ancient times, men and women are "color striped cloth", on wearing a blouse and a pleated skirt, hair, BaoHe headscarf, wear boat double nose embroidered shoes, wearing a silver. In the qing dynasty, after the "gai-tu-gui-liu policy" man gradually substitute pants skirt, trousers short, wide, wearing her fruit plaid double-breasted garment. The elderly in black cloth head scarf, leggings, waistband. Women's clothing, chest and sleeves and hems, piping embroidery, too large and long waist, large and short sleeve, all are full jin, no collar. Clothes are pipa breasted, sets of garment, the four dig cloud, four fork. But there are also two arms are white coat and short jacket, is not the dress green red and white, since the written. Also have embroidered flowers, coat under the skirt to the layer number of the bulls.

Since the republic of China, tujia men and women scarves all year round, the man is given priority to with green, blue, white, or stripes, two or three meters long, going round wrapped around the head, pack adult word way; Women are mostly QingSiPa or white printing head scarf, silk handkerchief as thin as cicada, up to seven or eight meters, is a lifelong companion, women will to palmer wrapped head buried after his death. Clothing is given priority to with green, blue, white, calico, men's wear the bra, double row seven to eleven clasp, commonly known as the centipede clasp, cuffs, neckline and trousers add lace end; Women are right cardigan, large and short sleeve, lace, on silver copper accessories, commonly known as "full jin", has a heritage of qing dynasty; Spinster girl with a blouse, pay attention to gaudy; Children like bodhisattva cap, shoes; Men's shoes is the blue cloth more, women wear embroidering shoe; Girls get married will wear "dew", on the bright colourful lace embroidery clothing, under the eight of the skirt of thin silk, with soil and old eight skirt of thin silk painting has the same effect.

The diaojiao building as the xiangxi the people of all ethnic groups in a kind of traditional building form, also called "son house projecting over the water." The diaojiao building as the wild type floor balcony, single eaves cantilever, roofing anti become warped, "cornices, ventilation xiangyang, dry and fresh. With amidst a glyph, also has 90 ℃ rectangular shape. Diaojiao building peripherals corridor, two side called "turrets", three sides according to "cook's floor". Baluster more beautiful case, county column called "potyvirus" 'or for six ling, octagon, or carved into a spherical, gourd shape. Column, has carved with dragons, magpie, wind, flowers, etc. Much on folk the diaojiao building as the boudoir, bedroom or brocade, take place, the underlying for barns, wood room, also have the bottom near streams, springs ding-dong, interest. Shanzhai diaojiao building in the green trees and bamboo, framed by a rich nature scenery is beautiful. Suggestions for part of the town a canal houses also have built the diaojiao building, such as jishou yao river street, phoenix tuojiang river coast border town, wang village, town, tea hole and longshan washing river, great interest has always caused the Chinese and foreign tourists.

英文导游词范文 篇3

Hello, everyone! My name is Fu Mingyue. I'm a professional tour guide.Today I am very happy to accompany you to the world-famous Mount Tai.

Our browsing has started. Please pay attention to safety. Mount Tai has abeautiful and magnificent scenery. It is the "East Mountain" among the "FiveMountains" and the first of them. Dear tourists, we have come to Nantianmen now.If you look ahead, there are three big words "Nantianmen" written on thismagnificent gate, which is very eye-catching!

Please don't fall behind, let's go on! Mount Tai, also known as Daishan inancient times, is now a famous cultural and natural heritage. Mount Tai'snatural landscape is magnificent and unique, with thousands of years ofspiritual and cultural penetration and human landscape contrast, known as theepitome of the spiritual culture of the Chinese nation. Mount Tai is a magicalmountain integrating natural science with historical and cultural values, whichhas both outstanding natural scientific value and aesthetic historicalvalue.

Tourists, this tour is over. Thank you for your good cooperation with me.If you are interested, please visit Mount Tai again!

Thank you. Bye!

英文导游词范文 篇4

Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunmingmingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resortsto create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) movedtongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years(1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing buildingdouble-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, isChina's largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirageof the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy isthe largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs totaihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roofflying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues,curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc werebronze.

Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has morethan 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built duringMing wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within theterritory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a littlechange. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mu's evil, court repeatedly beingdisciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, andto seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of thecity, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can gwood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet ofwestern yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning ofthe qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years,were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng","first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visibleancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres ofcastle peak, zhu LouYing, don't drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the templegate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about severalzhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", rightagainst the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture,famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower,the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, castby 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnan'slargest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain inhubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper buildinghoused a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridgeswater, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each otheroff, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanicalgarden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden,magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape,natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to thenortheast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronzecasting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, sopeople called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui afterpeasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction ofmirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build"the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors andWindows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, thesteps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. Thewhole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls,gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thickfolded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle,legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the SpringFestival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus asfire.

英文导游词范文 篇5

Dear tourists, welcome to Chagan Lake scenic spot in Songyuan. Chagan Lakeis called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake. Chagan Hunan is 37kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers long in the East and West, with atotal water area of 420 square kilometers. It is the largest inland lake inJilin Province. Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silvercarp, crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species. In recentyears, the aquatic resources of Chagan Lake, such as shrimps and pearls, havealso been effectively developed, and the beautiful lake shrimps have alreadybeen put on the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons andrich natural resources, which provides a rare living environment for wild andaquatic animals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds.There are more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers,and more than 80 kinds of rare birds such as pheasants, swans, geese and redcrowned cranes on the lakeside grassland and small islands. In August 20__,Chagan Lake was approved as a national nature reserve by the State Council.

Dear tourists, the tourism development of Chagan Lake began in 20__, whichwas approved by the people's Government of Jilin Province to establish ChaganLake Tourism Economic Development Zone. A series of scenic spots such as Miaoyintemple, Genghis hanzhao and Wangyefu business district have been built,infrastructure such as roads and bridges have been built, amusement projectssuch as Zhuhou lake, water entertainment and winter net fishing have beendeveloped, service facilities such as tourist service, business service, postand telecommunications have been completed, and the original small fishingvillage has been built into a national AAAA tourist attraction and a nationalwater conservancy wind farm scenic spot. Chagan Lake winter fishing is rated asone of China's top 100 scenic wonders, known as "ice lake Tengyu", the highestsingle net fishing yield of 168000 kg, which is listed in the Guinness worldrecord. Ten "ice and snow fishing and hunting Cultural Tourism Festival ofChagan Lake, Jilin Province, China" was held, including South Korea, Japan, HongKong, Macao, Chinese Taiwan and other important news media at home and abroad. Duringthe festival, there were competitions in photography, calligraphy and painting,poetry, couplets and fishing. In 20__, "Chagan Lake ice and snow fishing TourismFestival" was rated as "China's ten natural ecological Festivals". In addition,the development zone has promoted the production of films and TV plays byparticipating in and assisting in shooting. Films and TV plays such as "holywater lake", "beautiful fields", "Heaven's way without deception", "growth" and"Guandong fishing king" have been shot in Chagan Lake. Among them, "holy waterlake" has achieved a sensational effect after being popular on the central andlocal TV stations, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of tourismin Chagan Lake development. Chagan Lake Tourist Resort has formed acomprehensive tourist area with the characteristics of great lake wetland,grassland scenery and Mongolian customs in summer, fishing in winter net anddisplaying the long-standing fishing and hunting culture of Chagan Lake inwinter, integrating sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, vacation, catering,shopping and other functions.

Dear tourist friends, when you travel to Chagan Lake, you have to watch theprocess of ice and snow fishing (winter fishing). The first procedure of wintercapture is "sacrifice to the lake and wake up the net". Before winter fishing inChagan Lake, a sacrificial ceremony is held. The Mongolian girls in full dressoffer dried milk to the fishermen. The Lama hands the offerings one by one tothe fisherman's head. The fisherman's head places the offerings on the offeringtable in order. Then the nine sticks of incense are put into three incenseburners to light. Then he leads the lamas to circle the offering table, ice caveand ice snow OBO clockwise for three times and recite sutras. After that, thefisherman stood in the middle of the field, took up the wine bowl, raised hishands over his head, and began to recite the words of sacrifice to the lake.

The second procedure is "net fishing". After drinking Zhuangxing wine, withthe fisherman's head "on the ice", all the people who participated in the winterfishing jumped into the trawler or plow, three carriages, and more than 60people, and went to work on the ice. At this time, firecrackers were all onfire, and the roar of a carriage, the sound of a fisherman's bugle, the sound offirecrackers, the sound of lamas chanting sutras, the sound of horse bells,drums and horns floated on the mysterious surface of Chagan Lake. After the netcar arrives at the net yard, the fishing head determines the position accordingto the bottom appearance and water depth of the lake, and then cuts the firstice hole as the lower net hole, and then hundreds of steps from the lower nethole to both sides to determine the position of the wing flag, and inserts thebig flag (or lamp). The fishing head moves hundreds of steps from the wing flagposition to the front to determine the round beach flag, and then the two roundbeach flags meet hundreds of steps ahead to determine the net Eye, insert thenet flag, the ice planned by these big flags is the net nest. After the fishinghead is inserted into the wing flag, an ice hole is chiseled every 15 metersfrom the bottom mesh of the fishing rod to the wing flag, and then the rod(18-20 meters long thin rod) is pierced under the ice. The rod is pushed to thenext ice hole by the walking hook, and a water line rope is tied at the back endof the rod. The water line rope is followed by a large rope, and the large ropeis followed by a net The wheel twists the big belt to carry the big net forward,followed by the net handle. With the hook, the net can be put under the ice alittle bit, and the lightness and heaviness of the net can be grasped at anytime. Both sides of the net forward to the mesh, the whole net has been put intothe water, at this time, all the fish in the water are surrounded in the net.The next step is to get out of the net. Three horses pull out the net wheel, andthe double side nets are combined by the belt and the hook on the net wheel. Alarge net composed of 96 nets is pulled out at the same time. Three pieces ofeach wing, called a pull, are pulled out 16 times. The first pull no fish, thesecond pull began to fish. Finally, because the net belly is a pocket at theback end of the net, a net belly can hold up to a million kilograms of fish.After fishing the fish in the net belly, pull the net belly out of the ice andload the fish away. The net was loaded on the plow again by the people who beatthe spear, twisted the spear and took the hook. At this point, the winter catchof a net was over.

英文导游词范文 篇6

Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum is the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the queen Zhu Yuanjin Ma burial tomb, which is located in the southern foot of the purple mountain long Fu play in Mount Everest, Nanjing is the largest and one of the best preserved imperial tombs.So far more than 600 years of history.

The emperors in ancient China chose the site of the mausoleum very carefully, and paid special attention to choosing the land of "Ji Di", that is, the place of geomantic omen.Every time I go out the site, in addition to sending one or two court officials, but also absorb the knowledge of geography, will see the alchemist in Feng shui.After selecting the mausoleum, the emperor had to examine the scene himself and was satisfied with it and was finally finalized.Soon after Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he was concerned about the "paradise" after his death, and began to plan the construction of the mausoleum.It is said that he has called Liu Bowen, Xu Da, Tang He, and other ministers to discuss site selection.Five people agreed to write their respective best burial sites on paper and then open them at the same time.The results are written, Great minds think alike., Dulong Fu Mount Everest ".So the site of the tomb of Zhu Yuanjin was thus fixed.Dulong Fu is a hill located beneath the Zijin Mountain peak, 150 meters high, about 400 meters in diameter, is like a huge natural grave.Chinese feudal emperor often put themselves as sons of the heaven, to build the tomb in Dulong Fu, is in line with the requirements of the feudal superstition.

Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum Yu Wu nine years (1376) began to build, build competent mausoleum engineering enterprises is "Dudu Fu Li xin.At that time, a large number of migrant workers were employed, and dozens of temples were left behind by their predecessors.Since the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasties, Buddhism has been widely spread in China. The emperor of Wu even regards Buddhism as a national religion, so the temples in Nanjing are numerous.In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were more than 300 Buddhist temples, nearly 500 in the Southern Dynasties, and 100 thousand monks.His poetry in the Tang Dynasty: "in the four hundred and eighty temple, how many loutai yanyu."It was the portrayal of the flourishing Buddhist temples in Nanjing.In addition to moving to the temple, even moved a lot of previous tombs.But when moving to the Three Kingdoms, the tomb of Sun Quan (now on Mount Mei Shan in Nanjing), Zhu Yuanjin said, "Sun Quan is a true man, keeping him as a gatekeeper."."It was not removed.Hongwu fifteen years (1382), the first phase of the project completed, coincided with the empress Ma's death, Zhu Yuanjin held a grand funeral for her, and the coffin burial tomb, called her "Xiaoci Queen", which is also the name of the tomb.In 1383, the main project of the tomb built hall.In 1392, the crown prince ZhuBiao died and was buried in the tomb of the East, called dongling.Hongwu thirty-one years (1398) built "Ming Tomb magic holiness monument", the construction of the mausoleum engineering ended, the project took 23 years.Before the death of Zhu Yuanjin, had left a testament; "funeral to frugality, no Jin, change because of the tomb and the world, three subjects are released, as marriage."This is obviously Zhu Yuanzhang's trick of buying people's hearts.The whole Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum building, Xiaolingwei East, South to West Fang Weigang dismount, the walls of the city, north of Longgang only halfway up the mountain, a radius of more than 20 km, is a grand scale.In the long 23 years of construction, depletion of the flesh and blood of the people.At that time, there were ten thousand trees planted in the tomb area, thousands of deer kept and 5700 guards.Its wide range, large scale, before the Ming Dynasty is rare.But Zhu Yuanjin was buried, there are 40 concubines to bury, in which 2 people were buried in the tomb of the East and west sides, 38 people from the buried in the tomb.This China exposed the feudal ruling class was cruel, they not only to enjoy the splendor rich, after death still "death", the burial, at the people life.

英文导游词范文 篇7

The lion forest is one of the four classical gardens in suzhou, has been 650 years of history, as the representative of the yuan dynasty garden. Located in suzhou city, jiangsu province city northeastern garden road no. 23, plane into something a bit width rectangle, covers an area of 1.1 hectares, open area of 0.88 hectares. In 1982 was designated as cultural relics protection unit in jiangsu province. Garden rockery throughout, gallery, number crunchers looms, winding path leading to a secluded spot, feel history generally. Are embedded in the walls of the gallery's four big famous song dynasty, su shi, huang tingjian, calligraphy Cai Xiang monuments, and the southern song dynasty wen tianxiang inscriptions of plum blossom poems.

Mountainous southeast, northwest much water, surrounded by high walls deep curtilage, corridor surrounded. Central to the pool as the center, fold mountain building, move the flowers planted wood, bridge pavilion, has dominated layout is compact, rich artistic conception "Zhi foot mountain". Lion grove both suzhou classical garden pavilion, palace, building, hall, hall, porch, gallery of humanities landscape, more to the lake mountain stone, lives deep hole and famous in the world, known as "rockery kingdom". Lion forest lake stone rockery was more and exquisite, lake Shi Linglong, hole lives flowing, twists and turns, such as the history, is regarded as "taoyuan 18 scene". Ceiling mountain peak forest, are like the lion dance. With CDH, spit on, XuanYu, Leon xia peak, lion peak and to the ZhuFeng list. Campus construction is given priority to with YanYu hall, after hall is a lion originally bodhi authentic temple garden, Lin in A.D. 1341, the monk preached day such as Jackson went to suzhou, by his disciples. The following year (the yuan dynasty last emperor shun emperor to is two years), the disciples to buy to buy house for days like phil Jackson to build monasteries. Garden was built in the yuan dynasty to two years (AD 1342), by the day, such as master but the disciple made for in the division, the early name "Lin temple", later renamed "carry authentic temple", "divine grace temple". History, yuan at the end of the monk day if phil Jackson d disciple "at capital contribution, to buy land and house, to the teacher".

Because garden "is bamboo, Lin takes * * ta peak, the more like lion (lion)", and for days such as Jackson should b d well in zhejiang lionrock tome buddhist 27, in memory of the Buddha and the mantle, inherited the relations, take a Leo in the buddhist scriptures, so the name "ShiZiLin", "Lin". Also because the Buddha books with the word "lion roar" (" lion roar "refers to Jackson taught scripture), and many rockery resembling a lion shape and name. But have poetry "lion forest emphasizes the first 14", described the landscape and the life. Park is completed, many of the poet, painter to the zen meditation, as listed in the "lion Lin Jisheng set" of poetry and painting. Day such as master xie, disciple, gradually deserted temple garden.

Ming hongwu six years (AD 1373), 73 - year - old big painter-calligrapher NiZan (yunlin) via suzhou, participated in gardening, painting and acknowledged (with the lion figure Lin), make very famous lion grove, become a buddhist lecture and literati painting chanting songs of the resort. At the beginning of the qing emperor qianlong, temple garden is a private property, from temple temple, involved in the garden, because the park has wukesong tree, so it is also called five pine garden. For pigment comprador businessman bought BeiRunSheng 1917, after nine years of building, expansion, is still a lion grove garden east (for bayesian clan academy, learn and housing).

Ming wanli seventeen years (AD 1589), Ming surname monk begging for alms chang-an yu, rebuild the lion Lin Shengen temple, Buddha hall, thriving scene. To kangxi years, temple, garden, for the father of Huang Xi, hengchow magistrate after Huang Xingzu bought, named "for garden."

On February 11, 1703 AD the qing emperor kangxi tour at this point, given the forehead "lion Lin temple", after the qing emperor qianlong six lion grove, has been given according to the mirror round, "painting of Buddha and existing" really fun "equal plaque. Qing qianlong thirty six years (AD 1771), Huang Xi examination, refinement, reforming courtyard, named "five pine garden". To the middle of the reign of qing emperor guangxu huang family decline, garden have qian Bridges, rockery is still only.

In A.D. 1917, the Shanghai pigment company BeiRunSheng (world famous architect i. m. pei's uncle) from civil administration chief Li Zhongyu purchased lion grove, 800000 silver, for nearly seven years of time to repair, add some of the attractions, and dubbed "the lion forest" old name, lion forest canopy Sioux city at one time. BeiRunSheng had prepared to preparations for the opening, but due to the outbreak of the war of resistance. BeiRunSheng died in 1945 AD, the lion by its Sun Beihuan Lin chapter management. After the liberation, bayesian posterity will be donated to the country of suzhou gardens administration over after renovation, open to the public in 1954 AD.

英文导游词范文 篇8

Welcome to here!

Treasure is one of the three gorges scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors, this time I had the privilege and coldness education commission organized Tours to the three gorges tourism, came to the treasure, happy mood.

Treasure is located in the Yangtze river north shore thatched cottage at the mouth, is located on the purple QiuLing called Bai Dishan. Although perspective under the drizzle, the sky is no effect to my good mood. Look up, see the lush forest, ambiguously see treasure one horn, around the cloud, like a fairyland in general.

Came to the door of the treasure is to jump into the eye is three eye-catching Chinese characters "filled with temple", these three words stiffness, last is famous book. Into the front door, he came to the "entrust an orphan to hall", here tells a story of The Three Kingdoms "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to". Look! Entrust an orphan to front hall, a pale, bedridden, is well-known liu bei, standing next to the intelligence of zhuge liang, holding a feather fan stand straight, looked at two son of liu bei, kneeling on the ground under a will before death, this is liu bei asked zhuge liang to take good care of her two sons. Entrust an orphan to hall of every character depicting, sculpture, vivid, lifelike.

Before we came to the east forest of steles. One tablet engraved with regular script, official script, running script and cursive script, seal character and font each font characteristics, great. Among them, the most notable is the famous monuments, "phoenix" and "bamboo tablet". Phoenix stone high 175 cm, 96 cm wide, BeiMian black shiny, smooth as a mirror. This monument essence of beauty, a treasure. Phoenix stone is also called the "three Kings tablet", because the king of the tablet on the tree at the moment - phoenix tree; The king of flowers - peony; The king of all birds - phoenix, so called "three king tablet". Thick bamboo tablet, BeiMian is three bamboo, bamboo leaves shu lang. Scan the original bamboo leaves deftly formed a woo poem "not Xie Dong in meaning, painters name alone. Don't too lonely leaf light, durable not zero". At the moment which has reached the calligraphy and painting, one integrated mass of artistic realm. The author designs different, the style is unique! I couldn't help produce of the ancient wisdom and exquisite calligraphy admiration of love.

Treasure and a quiet, elegant garden. There is a lotus pond in the garden, the water clear trainspotter, slick with pieces green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, the water drops on were shining brilliantly, carefree playing on the green plate, an ill-deserved mesh. There are a few big banyan tree! The canopy is dark green all the year round. Its trunk and branches, there are many lenticels, grow many stomata root vertical growth. Down to the ground, soil is fast, so "dry branches and branches of life". Over time, they can't distinguish who is the trunk. What a wonderful!

Treasure of the landscape is real! Hope it holds the motherland glorious cultural heritage, carry forward!

英文导游词范文 篇9

Tourists friends:

Everybody is good! At the time of the spring flowers and you met in jinggangshan, to know each other, know each other, I am very happy! Today the jinggangshan trip by I do for you guide. I am the # # # # tourism, beside me and this is our driver # master. So I have to make a long story short, the introduction of jinggangshan for everybody...

Jinggangshan in the hunan-kiangsi border area, the middle of luoxiao mountains, tall the topography is complex, the main peak elevation in km above more, at the southernmost tip of the south side 2120 meters above sea level, is the highest peak of jinggangshan district.

Jinggangshan city covers an area of 665 square kilometers and a population of more than 50000 people, five township is a town, a provincial comprehensive electronic field and a natural reserve. CiPing basin is located in between the mountains, the city government of jinggang mountain area of total area of 89%, forest coverage rate is as high as 64%, is called "green treasure house", all have the original forest around, area of seven thousand hectares, there are more than three thousand eight hundred plant species, of which more than two thousand kinds of higher plants, more than eight hundred kinds of woody plants, there are tree species are unique to China or world scale wood, lantern pulled, sweet fruit, ginkgo, Douglas fir, pine, fir, Chinese Taiwan, fujian, silver bell flowers such as hundreds of parker. Jinggangshan is natural zoo, more than eight hundred and forty kinds of animals here, belong to the first, second and tertiary state protection tragopan caboti, macaque, south China tiger, the clouded leopard, civet cat, original musk and tufted deer twenty kinds. Because animal resource is rich, in 1981 set up an area of 16.6 square kilometers of the jinggang mountains nature reserve.

Jinggangshan since 221 BC qin dynasty set a group of XianZhi, namely for jiujiang LuLing XianShu, but CiPing development is in A.D. 668 years later, the size of 5 Wells in A.D. 1644 years after Jian Village village, and belong to yongxin county, LongQuan County (now by sichuan county). Until 1928 jinggangshan struggle period, here to set up the independent administrative organizational system, a new frontier area. Jiangxi jinggangshan administration, established in 1955, in 1984 changed to jinggangshan city.

Jinggang mountain belt Collins, ravines crossbar, stack overlapping peaks, steep terrain. On both sides of the mountains, the department for low mountain hills, from down to up, wei jinggang is like a huge castle, five ShaoKou is entering the "castle" to the "chengguan" point guard here, there are "there, mo open". In the autumn of 1927, MAO zedong. Like the Chinese communists led by zhu DE Chinese workers home of the red army, created the first rural revolutionary base here, as the Chinese revolution has opened up a finally seized of surrounding the cities from the rural correct road of the city. Thus to jinggangshan "revolutionary cradle" and drink praise at home and abroad. 1982, it was listed as national key scenic area, 1991 were Peng as "China's four top ten tourist destination", in 1994 as the national patriotism education base and the national garden city.

This miraculous land, once brought up MAO zedong, zhu DE, etc. A generation of great men. More than 30 revolutionary site is still in good condition, including state-level protection sites of 10, 2 provincial protected locations, municipal protection sites outside the 17. Nearly 3000 pieces of cultural relics collection of jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs museum and memorial hall, the forest of steles, sculpture group, the revolutionary martyrs monument in the integration of the chingkang mountains martyrs cemetery in detail describes the struggle of the story.

Jinggangshan in the hunan-kiangsi border area, the middle of luoxiao mountains, tall the topography is complex, the main peak elevation in km above more, at the southernmost tip of the south side 2120 meters above sea level, is the highest peak of jinggangshan district.

Jinggangshan city covers an area of 665 square kilometers and a population of more than 50000 people, five township is a town, a provincial comprehensive electronic field and a natural reserve. CiPing basin is located in between the mountains, the city government of jinggang mountain area of total area of 89%, forest coverage rate is as high as 64%, is called "green treasure house", all have the original forest around, area of seven thousand hectares, there are more than three thousand eight hundred plant species, of which more than two thousand kinds of higher plants, more than eight hundred kinds of woody plants, there are tree species are unique to China or world scale wood, lantern pulled, sweet fruit, ginkgo, Douglas fir, pine, fir, Chinese Taiwan, fujian, silver bell flowers such as hundreds of parker. Jinggangshan is natural zoo, more than eight hundred and forty kinds of animals here, belong to the first, second and tertiary state protection tragopan caboti, macaque, south China tiger, the clouded leopard, civet cat, original musk and tufted deer twenty kinds. Because animal resource is rich, in 1981 set up an area of 16.6 square kilometers of the jinggang mountains nature reserve.

Jinggangshan since 221 BC qin dynasty set a group of XianZhi, namely for jiujiang LuLing XianShu, but CiPing development is in A.D. 668 years later, the size of 5 Wells in A.D. 1644 years after Jian Village village, and belong to yongxin county, LongQuan County (now by sichuan county). Until 1928 jinggangshan struggle period, here to set up the independent administrative organizational system, a new frontier area. Jiangxi jinggangshan administration, established in 1955, in 1984 changed to jinggangshan city.

Jinggang mountain belt Collins, ravines crossbar, stack overlapping peaks, steep terrain. On both sides of the mountains, the department for low mountain hills, from down to up, wei jinggang is like a huge castle, five ShaoKou is entering the "castle" to the "chengguan" point guard here, there are "there, mo open". In the autumn of 1927, MAO zedong. Like the Chinese communists led by zhu DE Chinese workers home of the red army, created the first rural revolutionary base here, as the Chinese revolution has opened up a finally seized of surrounding the cities from the rural correct road of the city. Thus to jinggangshan "revolutionary cradle" and drink praise at home and abroad. 1982, it was listed as national key scenic area, 1991 were Peng as "China's four top ten tourist destination", in 1994 as the national patriotism education base and the national garden city.

This miraculous land, once brought up MAO zedong, zhu DE, etc. A generation of great men. More than 30 revolutionary site is still in good condition, including state-level protection sites of 10, 2 provincial protected locations, municipal protection sites outside the 17. Nearly 3000 pieces of cultural relics collection of jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs museum and memorial hall, the forest of steles, sculpture group, the revolutionary martyrs monument in the integration of the chingkang mountains martyrs cemetery in detail describes the struggle of glorious history. You want to explore Chinese modern revolutionary historic and martyrs glorious traditions, jinggangshan will give you a satisfactory answer. Jinggangshan revolutionary relics many not only, and the wind shadow is very beautiful, scenic area of 213.5 square kilometers, divided into CiPing, longtan, Huang Yangjie, finger peak, bijia mountain, fairy mouth, paulownia ridge, xiang states eight scenic spots, there are more than 60 spots, scenery landscape more than 270. Majestic mountains, odd rocks, towering old trees, the waterfall of magic, pound of sea of clouds, magnificent sunrise, romance of the cuckoo, strange caves, is invigorating, linger. Not severe cold in winter here, summer without heat, mild climate, four seasons, salty, spring to admire the cuckoo, summer view to the sea, autumn jams tabled xiuse, winter snow. Sightseeing, summer recuperate, a good place for scientific research, history research. No wonder Chinese contemporary writer, famous historian comrade guo moruo in point of revolutionary site, browse the longtan scenic spot, a "under the jinggangshan, above the hills don't think to swim" lament.

Jinggangshan humid tropical climate. , throughout the year, annual average temperature of 14 ℃, July 24 ℃, the average temperature for the thermidor; January average temperature 3 ℃, for the most of. Average annual rainfall of 1865 mm, annual average fog day for 96 days. WenXia cold winter, warm autumn, spring, summer, more rain, autumn and winter to fog. Here is rich in all kinds of "regulations", the bamboo shoots, mushrooms, yu lanpian, partridge, stone ear the most enjoy a high reputation. Here convenient transportation, convenient highway. North by gian to nanchang, south to ganzhou can fujian, guangdong, ningkang west of chenzhou, hunan province, changsha and other places.

The glorious history. You want to explore Chinese modern revolutionary historic and martyrs glorious traditions, jinggangshan will give you a satisfactory answer. Jinggangshan revolutionary relics many not only, and the wind shadow is very beautiful, scenic area of 213.5 square kilometers, divided into CiPing, longtan, Huang Yangjie, finger peak, bijia mountain, fairy mouth, paulownia ridge, xiang states eight scenic spots, there are more than 60 spots, scenery landscape more than 270. Majestic mountains, odd rocks, towering old trees, the waterfall of magic, pound of sea of clouds, magnificent sunrise, romance of the cuckoo, strange caves, is invigorating, linger. Not severe cold in winter here, summer without heat, mild climate, four seasons, salty, spring to admire the cuckoo, summer view to the sea, autumn jams tabled xiuse, winter snow. Sightseeing, summer recuperate, a good place for scientific research, history research. No wonder Chinese contemporary writer, famous historian comrade guo moruo in point of revolutionary site, browse the longtan scenic spot, a "under the jinggangshan, above the hills don't think to swim" lament.

Jinggangshan humid tropical climate. , throughout the year, annual average temperature of 14 ℃, July 24 ℃, the average temperature for the thermidor; January average temperature 3 ℃, for the most of. Average annual rainfall of 1865 mm, annual average fog day for 96 days. WenXia cold winter, warm autumn, spring, summer, more rain, autumn and winter to fog. Here is rich in all kinds of "regulations", the bamboo shoots, mushrooms, yu lanpian, partridge, stone ear the most enjoy a high reputation. Here convenient transportation, convenient highway. North by gian to nanchang, south to ganzhou can fujian, guangdong, ningkang west of chenzhou, hunan province, changsha and other places.

Now, the car came to the foot of the mountain of the jinggang mountains, let us into the arms of it!!!!!!!!!

英文导游词范文 篇10









Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! I am a meteor travel guide, I can accompany you to visit together, I feel particularly happy, hope to be able to and this a good time we spent together.

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors in xi 'an lintong unearthed in China, today I want to take you to visit this miracle.

We are now in no. 1 pit, is also the largest of three pits at a. Pit, there are about 8000 figures. It is 230 meters long, north-south width of 62 meters, with a total area of 14260 square meters. You see, the rows of neat rows of terracotta warriors more! Look at the imposing manner, like qin shihuang that year at the head of the army, the north and the south in!

The general burly, head crown, wearing armor. The great power that knew had just finished a victory.

The height 1.8 meters, the warriors, robust frame hand knife, armed to the teeth.

The cavalry? Don't worry, the knight more power and prestige, because it is riding a horse! ...... .

Well, today's browse to this end, I wish you good today, tomorrow is good, good, now good year after year, like some applause? !