

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇1

.安慰友人考试落榜(To Those Who Could not Pass the Entrance Examination)

June 29, 20__

Dear Bill,

What shocking news to me when I was told by Mr. Lewis that you could not pass the entrance examination. This means you have to wait for another year to attend the next entrance examination. I quite understand how you feel now. Still you have many more chances to try. So I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to try again. I am sure you will easily succeed next



优秀英文慰问信范文 篇2

Dear Tom,

Im saddened to learn of the passing of your father.I extendmy sincere condolence to your family.

Your father was a man of great strength both physically and in mind, but in him there was a gentleness. He found ways to be outgoing and kind.He worked hard to support your family. He was a hero.Strength and determination were the qualities of your father.

I sendmy thoughts and prayers to you, your family and all those who loved him.

Sincerely yours,


优秀英文慰问信范文 篇3


a letter of sympathy


A consolatory letter,remark,etc


n. 字母;信;字面意义;证书,许可证;文学

v. 用字母标明,写字母于;写印刷体字母;赢得校名缩写字母标志( 作文 zUOWenba.neT )

in letter and in spirit

在字面意义和精神实质上|无论形式和实际 The letter was a forgery.

这封信是伪造的。Post the letter through the slit in the letter box.

把这封信从信箱的投信口投进去。 Imprint a postmark on a letter =imprint a letter with a postmark

盖邮戳于信上The letter is directed to him.


n. 同情,同情心;支持;同感;慰问

command sympathy

博得同情 Your sympathy helps a lot.

你的同情帮助很大。I have much sympathy for you.

我很同情你。Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind.

同情心是人类特有的感情。We are in sympathy with his misfortune.


优秀英文慰问信范文 篇4

Dear victims,

I was astonished and grievous to hear of the calamitous earthquake happening on May, 12th. It’s really a national disaster, causing tremendous loss to our whole nation physically and mentally. By now, the terrible earthquake has claimed over 60 thousand lives, injured far more people, and led 5 million homeless.

Seeing the related movies and photos, I could not help crying. I’m especially moved by those high-minded people in front of the catastrophe! I’m proud of you, tough people!

Despite the calamity, I hope that you, our brothers and sisters in the earthquake-striken area, will believe in us, in our government, and in the power of love. Our country being a big one with a large population of about 1.4 billion, if we share the calamity together, it would be reduced to only a small “shower”. Therefore, please keep in mind that the road is tortuous, the future is bright. The storm will give way to bright sunshine in the long run. And finally, everything will be recovered, and even better than it was.Best wishes!

Your truly,

Li Ming

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇5

Dear Xiaoming:

Hearing that your howtown was flooded,i feel pretty sad about it.the houses were destoryed,the fortunes lost,Now things have come to such a pass,it is no use crying.fortunately,Heaven always leave one a way out,nobody got hurt in the catastrophy.

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇6

March 3,20xx

Dear Marry,

It is with great sorrow that I hear of your illness . I should like to know how you are getting on now. As the weather is capricious(反复无常的)lately, you should be very careful.

I am sending along some flowers with my love and sincere wishes for your speedy recovery .

If I can be of any service to you, please let me know.

Your loving friend

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇7

Dear john,

I am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and no your mother and kno the classes. do be careful e funny cartoons.

if there is anything you need me to do, just let me knoing to see you on sunday and trust that your condition rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.

with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

sincerely yours,

li ming

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇8

April 10, 20xx

Dear Margaret,

Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just can’t tell you how sorry I am.

I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief.

With the deepest sympathy to you and all your family.











优秀英文慰问信范文 篇9

Dear Bill,

What shocking news to me when I was told by Mr. Lewis that you could not pathe entrance examination. This means you have to wait for another year to attend the next entrance examination. I quite understand how you feel now. Still you have many more chances to try. So I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to try again. I am sure you will easily succeed next time.


Li Hua

优秀英文慰问信范文 篇10

Dear victims,

I was astonished and grievous to hear of the calamitous earthquake happening on May, 12th. It’s really a national disaster, causing tremendous loss to our whole nation physically and mentally. By now, the terrible earthquake has claimed over 60 thousand lives, injured far more people, and led 5 million homeless.

Seeing the related movies and photos, I could not help crying. I’m especially moved by those high-minded people in front of the catastrophe! I’m proud of you, tough people!

Despite the calamity, I hope that you, our brothers and sisters in the earthquake-striken area, will believe in us, in our government, and in the power of love. Our country being a big one with a large population of about 1.4 billion, if we share the calamity together, it would be reduced to only a small “shower”. Therefore, please keep in mind that the road is tortuous, the future is bright. The storm will give way to bright sunshine in the long run. And finally, everything will be recovered, and even better than it was.Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,