

My home has basin sensitive plant. If you want to know sensitive plant is how, let me tell you.


The leaf of sensitive plant? Like the feather of the bird, are there a lot of small leaves again above? , small leaf? About the same euqally big, growing is 1 centimeter about, wide it is about 0. 3 centimeters.


Sensitive plant should water everyday, this appearance leaf? won't sere. I put it below sunshine everyday, let it absorb enough sunlight, it grows this sample can be brought up quickly. Every time the composition time that I want to hit air conditioning, I can think of it, I put sensitive plant outside, cannot put inside, because the plant needs sunshine ability to put photosynthesis, one but put in the place that is full of carbon dioxide, sensitive plant will be gone.( 作文吧 ZuoWenbA.neT )


Is the place with the most interesting mimosa it that petty leaf? . Can you fasten the leaf of small look mimosa? , does it resemble the palm? Same, want to touch it to be able to fold only, passed a little while to just can be stretched, resemble a bashful little girl really. Such coming of the name of sensitive plant, did you know?
