

Today, I had a bed early, elated ground asks mother: “ mom, when do we go big bead hill ah? ” mom says: “ we set out now! ” such, we drive went big bead hill.


We arrive big bead hill! But, here is issueing fine drizzle. I look up, can hear drip-drop it seems that people talk. A big raindrop on the cloud says: I want “ to bathe to the earth! A small raindrop says ” : I want “ to drink water to flower! ” they each is saying a desire, the hand is pulling a hand to jump down. Rain fell half an hour about. After rain big bead hill sunshine especially beautiful, air is fresh all the more, the flower is sweet tangy, colour butterfly brace up the wing flutters, be like welcoming visitor.< ="">


We began to climb. We a 4 buccal hands are pulling a hand to go to the summit. Climb can not allow really easy ah, climb half half way up the mountain to climbed to be not moved. But, the azalea of all over the mountains and plains resembles in drive I go up, I discover, jump over upgrade to walk along a flower to leave more bonnily. The half half way up the mountain that I had walked along to open full azalea begins composition upgrade to climb again. The Shi Ti with one long end length appeared before, I think, how is stair here! Should this climb when? I think again, the little brother still waits for me in the summit, I want to cheer! I used a tremedous effort to just climb the peak.


We see the hill on in the summit! Look far, the mountain range of cyanine color is continuous rise and fall, the azalea of faint and visible pink. Again oversee, the hill here is lofty and gallant, by mirage around move, and adorning every piece pink, resemble ethereal faery, what there is flower to do between the waist is lacy.


Looked a little while in the summit, we are downhill. Downhill when the dim light of night arrives slowly, big bead hill is enveloped to be in thick dim light of night, the chain of mountains that can see lofty only and surround the mirage between hill.


Below hill, I bought two chicklings with the little brother, of a green, of a pink, exceed lovely. They two it is I come the souvenir of Guo Dazhu hill, what green chickling represents spring is big bead hill, the chickling delegate spring of pink is big the azalea that bead hill blooms.
