

Ran is to exercise not just, it is training volition more. —— preface


My nature is gentle and quiet, do not love sport, sports achievement also is in a complete mess. Last one semester ended first, the in signing up for parent advice note sports result that sees me when father mother when that column, complexion turns by the fine immediately shade. So of hopeful female Cheng Feng how can without giving thought to,they indulge me in winter vacation? Be in then that day in the evening, they made “ winter vacation plan ”—— to run 10 rounds on the road in 200 meters everyday to me. Considering at ordinary times I run 5 rounds only in the school, not quite suit, so the first day can run 5 rounds only, in the future increases a number gradually, after 10 days, namely the 11st day, must run 10 rounds everyday. To plan of winter vacation long-distance running, I am fond of again Bei, happy is to be able to improve sports result, distance name school close one pace, still perhaps can play school time game. Of Bei is to run 10 rounds to resemble entering a day to me of body weak thin and small so difficult. Without giving thought to how, I or start off.

我天性文静,不爱运动,体育成绩也一塌糊涂。初一上个学期结束了,当爸爸妈妈看到我的报家长通知书中的体育成绩那栏时,脸色立刻由晴转阴。所以有望女成凤的他们怎么会在寒假放纵我不管呢?于是就在当天晚上,他们给我制定了“寒假计划”——每天在200米跑道上跑10圈。考虑到平时我在学校只跑五圈,不太适应,所以第一天可以只跑5圈,往后逐渐增加圈数,十天后,也就是第11天,必须每天跑10圈。对于寒假长跑计划,我又喜又悲,喜的是可以提高体育成绩,距离名校又近了一步,说不定还能参加校际比赛呢。悲的是跑10圈对于体弱瘦小的我就像登天那么难。不管怎么样,我还是上路了。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

I decide two days every to increase circuit. On the runway of wintry day, only my person is walking. Although be in,the southern part of the country, falling south value cold air however, cold wind howl, blow my face madly like the benefit claw of beast of prey, ear is caught by it red. Because dropped,still have one Jiao, the cut that brings about skin abrade also like igneous bright acuteness painful rise.


First two days, I run loosely easily gently.


The 3rd day, begin to want to run 6 rounds everyday from this day, but I or very successful ground were finished.


The 5th day, should run 7 rounds everyday next, I am a little demanding, but, still insisted to run 7 rounds.


The 7th day, I am very hard just run, do not know this 9 rounds of in the future 10 rounds how to insist to run.


The 8th day, resemble yesterday in that way, progress without a bit, will want to run 9 rounds tomorrow, how should I do?


The day that makes me scared still came —— the 9th day! Should run 9 rounds! But I just ran 8 rounds half, already exhausted however, as if the body is drawn out empty, returned within an inch of to faint, did not run so.


Next the 1st composition 0 days, I had not run.


If say the 9th day to me it is scared, so the 11st day is doomsday to me! According to the regulation, begin to must run 10 rounds everyday from today, but I still do not have even 9 the attempt, although be on track the shortest circuit, also be no good. Then, I decide to run some slower.


Although run a few slower, run already washed-up also, reached the limit of the body, consciousness already not clear, fell with respect to the point. And at this moment, I thought of the ” of “ constant effort brings success that common saying says, still can not act well. And should abandon in me when, I thought of " sheepskin coils " in say: “ is oasis surely at desert. I resemble ”“ rinse alpine drip-drop, gobble up the ant of fierce tiger, enlighten the stars of the earth, build the slave that has pyramid. ”“ wants to perserve only, whats can be accomplished. ” is right! I know very well the hardship of ran, but I also should resemble slave in that way, one brick builds a pyramid made of baked clayly. Yes! Cheer! Myself encourages to oneself, return remnant half rounds! But half so long to there is lifetime for me, as if at this moment time uncle jokes with me, go a bit slower. But I do not abandon, the silent in trying to relapse this word in the heart reads aloud. Remnant is returned when reading aloud 20 meters of ——


Cheer! Return remnant 10 meters!


Cheer! Return remnant 5 meters!


Cheer! Return remnant 3 meters!


Cheer! Need 9 steps!


Cheer! Cannot abandon!


Oh Ye! I arrived!


I am breathless, although very painstaking, but resembled eating honey in the heart so sweet. My area area is going smilingly, just facing in the west, the setting sun is illuminated on my face, gentle breeze is blowing tree to sway sway, as if to be celebrated for me. I take my watering can, drink saliva. The Bai Yun like spun sugar also is smiling to me it seems that ……


In the future my volition becomes more firm, the bad habit that shakes sound, deft hand indulges to also change previously. Study becomes more assiduous tried hard.


So, I realized —— ran is to exercise not just, it is training volition more.
