

On Friday afternoon, sunshine is beautiful, 6 grade 4 associate people an intense football competition had on the playground that is like blanket in green mattress.


Enter a sports ground we divide good forward, center, full back, goalkeeper very quickly. Ring as chirp, contest of friendship of a football began. See He Yiling is carrying a ball only rapid rush ahead, forward of the other side is in hot pursuit, see she is left only hide right shine taking a ball to rush forth, how terrible was blocked by center of the other side outlet, "Phut " , the football was skipped because of tremendous obstruction in sky, I gallop in the past, football of catching of as it happens continues to rush forth, bad to be killed again on the way came out " Cheng bites gold " , I hasten pass the ball to teammate, but or by grab of the other side, my team center is unwilling give the impression of weakness, go up at once cut the ball is forward mad running, "Phut " " entered " " beautiful " cry as sonar, my team member cheered...作文网 ZuoWenBa.Net


Match proceed is worn, hurrah as one falls, although our team gained last victory, but the other side is done not have crestfallen, still maintaining hopeful state of mind. This is the place that deserves us to learn.


Time passes unoccupied place written in water like Bai Ju, oblique fire of the setting sun is worn our puerile face, companionate people there is the smile like self-confidence and sunshine on the face.


Football friendship is surpassed, perseverance took exercise in the contest, promotional in collaboration friendship, joy was experienced in the match, happiness was embraced in the victory.
