

Days fleeting, recollect the dribs and drabs on growing road, I savoured the joyance that grow.


In the morning, golden sun rises gradually from horizon, shine warmly the town that fills lease of life in this, I can't help recollecting the military training before rising 5 days. It resembles a dream same, hasty ground comes, sad to die however when we were not aware of again.


Military training the first day, scorching sun is blazing, practice army appearance. V/arc drillmaster seems to should give everybody a severity hsown by an official on assuming post, he tells us military training is forging, forging, again forging. All these wants from the station army appearance begins, differ meeting everybody the dress by sweat drenched, but the pitch that everybody is holding the body hard, holding to, holding to... sweat soaked the dress stealthily, double leg is quivering, but the adamancy that it cannot defeat us however. Morning, we go not to change a way. One day waves eventually, we came home livelily lamely like the duck.( ZuOwEnBa.nET )


This day, we learned a volition sturdy, gritty.


Military training the following day, colourful Yang Gaozhao, still practice army appearance. A little while kongfu, classmates lumbar acerbity backache, the sweat with big beans bead slide from the face ceaselessly, but the command of short of v/arc drillmaster, we everybody is moved. V/arc drillmaster does not talk, whole class is an orderly team, do not have a tiny bit shake. Completed the army appearance that day eventually, v/arc drillmaster begins to teach us basic all sides facing again, to left-hand rotation, right-handed, right-about-face... we are uniform, without the laches of a tiny bit.


This day, we learned to comply with directive, obedient command.


Military training the 3rd day, dry,crisp air of autumn, we begin experienced quick march. What common saying says is good: "Poor an iota, of erroneous in. " because our pace is abhorrent, cause chaos of whole platoon face, sinuate. We again and again are experienced, take practice to quick march from footfall, from 3 two people, discharge a face to, to a class, countless times the ground practices back and forth, what realized whole team eventually is uniform, clang strong.


This day, we learned each other side to help each other, solidarity.


Military training of 5 days, let us benefit a lot, we gave trouble, gave sweat, what get however is the results of a heavy however. We learned to suit, learned to hold to, learned obedient command, society solidarity, more the discipline with general iron is had like letting us learn to resemble a soldier, learned to have the will with general steel like the soldier.


Military training, it is one kind is experienced, cannot use a language to describe, can be in only hazy in the aftertaste; Military training, it is a kind of flavour, as tasting tea, the talent that has tasted only knows among them flavour; Military training is a paragraph of experience, the lieutenant general in the brain that is engraved in me becomes the memory with long constant; Military training, it is a kind of force more, drive me to be in life new start courageously before row.


I believe, pass military training go through the mill grow, make a person be full of self-confident, aftertaste certainly boundless, be benefited all one's life.
