

Everybody has played to other place for certain. The most amused place that I had gone to is Mo Gao hole.


Enter Mo Gao hole, be about to queue up to buy a ticket. My Di is darling! The team discharged more than 100 meters to grow! Mo Gao hole is certain and very good look, otherwise, won't so much person enrages ground of compose oneself idle to await. Buy a ticket patiently, I am very excited, feel fast to see the truth of sth. of Mo Gao hole. Who knows, want to watch two small video again. My gains is very big, knew the Silk Road set out from where, end where.

一进莫高窟,就要排队买票。我嘀个乖乖!队伍排了一百多米长!莫高窟一定很好看,不然,不会有这么多人气定神闲地等待。耐心买到票,我很激动,以为就快看见莫高窟的庐山真面目了。谁知,又要观看两个小视频。我收获很大,知道了丝绸之路的从哪里出发,到哪里结束。作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

Saw Mo Gao hole eventually! That big willow that the entrance is in, sufficient have a Xiaolou tall! I hold it in arms gladly, let mom take group photo to us.


Listen to a tourist guide to say, his colleague becomes a conduct a sightseeing tour more than 13 years in Mo Gao hole, more than 400 cavern had not had been to altogether of hole of —— Mo Gao to have 753 cavern. So much! Number is counted come nevertheless, people is how of cut ah!


My impression is the deepest is a group of pictures are mixed one honour figure of Buddha. This group draws the comic that I had seen unlike, it drew a story, the first paragraph is in foremost face, the 2nd paragraph is in final area, the 3rd paragraph of inter. Strange. Na Zunfo does not retain its name like me, have 35.5 meters tall, imposing and majestic, the red mole that is between the eyebrows solely has 3 square much rice is big, than my small bed large in part. I admire those who create these work not famous artist.


Had swum Mo Gao hole, I cannot forget it really.
