

In life overflow long way to go up, everybody can make a mistake, and pass a mistake, we will become more mature, in my memory, having a paragraph of such experience that remember to the end of one's life.


Remembering that is Sunday, I am mixed in the home young associate plays a toy together, just when we play cheerly when, trainset too do not give outer part! Do not have report! I plan to look for mom to want money to buy batteries, can seek every corner in the home, also did not find mom's form, my heart thinks: “ anyway mom also is not in the home, I also know mom puts the place of money, take money to buy with respect to oneself! I walk into ” mom's room, open mom to often put the drawer of money, conveniently took a piece 100 yuan buy batteries.出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt


After be being bought. On the road that comes back in me, I see doorway of a shop is selling beautiful cloth baby again, I want to buy very much, then I used the money that leave act on one's ownly to buy that cloth baby, came home cheerfully.


When arriving to have a meal in the evening, mom came back, see the cloth child in my hand, ask me which come, I lie say: “ father buys to me. ” subsequently father came back, mom asks father, you buy with him? Father replies: “ is done not have, I did not buy cloth baby to her! ” mom walks along a room to open the drawer rapidly, see 100 yuan the Qian Guo inside is really little. Mom is looking at me angrily to ask: Do you take “ ? ” my heart thinks: “ paper does not include fire, ” says hesitatingly to mom: “ yes, I am taken, I am sorry! I ought not to not agree to take your money with respect to privately through yours, mom I am wrong! ” mom sees I am brave in to admit one's mistake, this ability excused me.


That time I have experience greatly, the heart thinks: After “ absolutely cannot in that way, I know a fault! ”
