

Rise in the morning, I stand on the balcony, look at alpenglow.


This alpenglow covers like a cloth the desktop has a few dew to come out a bit, the sky resembles that desktop, by alpenglow do not cover between classics, alpenglow also resembles the skin of camouflage, exterior color each different, dazzle colour is dazzing, but gather up " the surface " it is an alone sky, the dazzle that follows alpenglow is completely different, alpenglow became gradually by day.

这朝霞就像一个布盖住桌面有一些露出来一点,天空就像那桌面,被朝霞不经间盖住,朝霞也像伪装的皮,表面颜色各异,炫彩夺目,但扒掉“表面”就是一片单独的天空,跟朝霞的炫完全不一样,朝霞逐渐变成了白天。作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

Although Bai Yun is " Adonis " , but it has Protean, various, want what you think of only, without the thing that it changes not to come out: For instance love, sheep, duck is mixed small fish... child heart of Bai Yun is particularly heavy, it often " accompany " people plays play hide-and-seek, you one carelessly it became another pair of appearance, hide in another place place, let you seek half month on 10 days, abrupt black clouds goes, bai Yun is pushed by firm firm ground.


Jail of black clouds on the spot is occupational heaven, catch the sky into inky, the bully gas of the joyance with that occupational and successful thunder and black clouds and power fierce, capture repeatedly a few cities be not a patch on the sky occupational happy, black clouds is raining heavily, that also is triumphal expression, arrive below black clouds in the evening, but when these a few hours are just as a few years, long in that way.


The cloud in the evening, came out, although it catchs the sky into inky, but, it is " tender " catch black, unlike black clouds in that way, compelling catchs black, moon slowly rise, illume the cloud all round like the lamp rise, as if countless firebug take clear city, with each corners, what shine than the sun is more.


This is beautiful and the Yun Duo be inspired by what one sees of colorful diversity.
