

Respected and beloved local records quick martyr:




Above all, I bring a good news for you, this year is 2021, our great China in all door the party holds water 100 years! Borrow this hundred years years absurd during, I also know the course of hundred years brightness that become aware in development, I learned your glorious achievement.


You grow in the China that full classics lives in misery, be worth western big powers at that time inbreak, because people is agelong go on an expedition already become destitute and homeless. Your attend school is in home town Jiangxi, what you also conform closely with international so in Shanghai is metropolitan search knowledge, you enrich oneself ceaselessly. When you convey your detest to imperialist big powers, you found leading Party group accidentally to knit. In those days, was 1922, it is home contradictory conflict is ceaseless, person of ideals and integrity people the old age of the road of adv gropingly light.

您生长在饱经受苦受难的中国,当时正值西方列强的入侵,人民由于长年征战早已流离失所。您求学在家乡江西,您也在上海这样一座与国际密切接轨的大都市寻找学问,您不断地充实自己。在您对帝国主义列强表达自己的深恶痛绝时,您意外地找到了党组织。那时,是1922年,是国内矛盾冲突不断,志士们正在暗中摸索光明之路的大时代。来源作文吧 zUowEnBa.nET

I what serve as posterity congratulation you chose right way. After experiencing May 4th movement of 1919, the Marxism travels in China. You serve as a the earliest batch in all door partisans, have the heart of the affection of intense passion and exploration to Marx composing, often study a late night. I as if see, in overflowing long night, your hand is grasped this " the Communist Party is enunciative " muse is worn, should go up to the book from time to time do a few detailed annotate on, the candle lamp before the desk enlightened your dedicated eyes, also enlightened the future of Chinese happiness. You give counsel in the future that is China.


Nowadays, also prepare in the final that comes to be about to greet. If I have you of 40% assiduous, it is better to whether can be you achieved?


Regard another name for Jiangxi Province as northeast revive the leader of the area, I know those who fall to your poor is a Wen Tian. Meeting the enemy is opposite at that time revive area insanity sends the ground to undertake the country plagiarizesends armed forces to suppress. You give other soldier and common people to save more commissariat and goods and materials people, often take branny pharynx course together with the soldier. Even if is in the winter with biting algidity, you often also are wearing shabby old cotton-padded jacket, so that feel distressed the bodyguard beside,shed silent tears. Congee of a bowl of potherb, a shabby cotton-padded clothes, talk cheerfully and humourously below same eave with common people, it is northeast of another name for Jiangxi Province revive the portraiture with the realest division.


Your dauntless, also make me admire. Day is fought to offer as a gift first on north of your rate Red Army when the team answers battle too, the previous troop that oneself lead had passed through enemy block line, but Liu Chou the brunt army on the west already aloof left behind. For reinforce brunt army, you teach resolutely like that leave a comrade-in-arms unripe opportunity, oneself chose life and death to was not predicted.


Who knows, between one night war situation ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye, mere a day, the enemy completed pair of unit surround. The soldier offers you go White Area is masked hide a few days, also be overruled absolutely by you. Final, you are locked up at Jiangxi Nanchang. In jail you in order to explain oneself charges in an indictment, begged to the enemy paper and pen. Foolish enemy joyful, and you regard the jail as assiduously field of World War II, stayed for later ages " lovely China " a such gules your work.


Your blood, asperse on lovely motherland earth. After you sacrifice gloriously, communists are stepping your footmark, make the China in the United States acquires a new life. Nowadays, our party guides new China to move toward prosperity prosperous and strong, communist people miss mark not change, in new coronal during pneumonic epidemic situation, with great mission and take on gained the decisive victory that fights epidemic disease in the round. In battle of the assault fortified positions that take off deficient, inexorable, be brave in gram of assault fortified positions is difficult, guided the Chinese nation to cast off poor appearance.


As the adolescent of new era, I also establish the ambition —— that issued my to resemble you having the life that devotional, rational misses euqally namely then, build lovely China more formidably!


Your's sincerely


With high respect!


A new young person


On June 26, 2021
