

I believe every girl has a toy of wool cloth with soft nap that she likes, I am not exceptional also, I have rabbit of possum of cloth with soft nap of a wool, that or the gift that I spend birthday a few years ago, I should touch it a few times everyday, if,inspect jewellery.


You look, all over snow-white Mao Mao, it is strange that fluffy grew ear to obscure —— of a pair of black eyes is fastened, it is not pinkeye, it is with never be the same as. Black also is between nose, soft soft body, soft soft limb, it is a pose that bending over to sleep forever, or how to call “ possum hare ” , brushy leveret, it is very lovely really, when letting you see it, cannot help wanting to feel it.


   does not know nevertheless how, this bub begins wool recently, fall in the illuminate of sun's rays especially, if you touch it, you look, what wave everywhere in air is its Bai Maomao. Once I am doing work, small possum hare is put in the sitting room, mom suddenly vociferous I, I looked in the past rapidly, disastrous, cousin skill is taking possum hare, another little hand is stretched, I am moved close to look, day, full hand is the Bai Maomao on possum hare body, the brother still is saying: “ darling nose is airproof. I see ” , happy, place of little brother nostril is Bai Maomao.


Mom says: “ you this toy should be thrown, it can cause your allergy now. Is ” thrown? Do not want, I can not want, I am playing mom's hand, beg her not to abandon my small bunny. Mom loses my word that allows me to remain puzzled after pondering over sth a hundred times however: Old do not go, new do not come. I am very busy, what meaning is this word after all? Did not understand, final research just understands a long time, I run to ask mother rapidly: “ mom, your means is not I tossed this only small rabbit, buy to me again exactly like? ” mom says: “ is, must throw it, I just can be bought to you new. ” a toy of new wool cloth with soft nap, too big to my allure, but I am right,my small bunny also is to have a special liking, I still am hated to part with threw it, that it this are much more alone.


Do not have method, I hearten only say to mom: “ mom, I this so old that put, do not play it, do not let it drop wool, do you let me leaving it? ” can be mother did not agree, still ask me: Did “ dress rot you still can want? Did the pen become bad can be you still used? Same argument, have things of some of articles for daily use, study, toy, bad, become rubbish, clear in time with respect to this, such ability vacate a place, ability gets new. What ” wants to feel mom says is very reasonable.


 “ is good, mom, it is right that you say, but do not let me throw it, also do not let me see you threw it, you are bought to me again only same new, such, I can be accepted more. ” mom touchs my head, laughing at say: “ is loved old foolish the child. ” hum, I ability is not foolish, I am sentient, and the girl with rich feeling.
