

Rain of season of “ Pure Brightness in succession, the pedestrian on the road is about to break fetch ” . Tomb-sweeping day is traditional festival of China, the tradition that black group was being made that day in tomb-sweeping day also is our home town is consuetudinary.


My home grandma is an a dab hand. This day, the grandma rose big early, went to market purchasing one time: Berry of pink of polished glutinous rice, ground, pork, bean curd doing, bamboo shoots in spring, chopped green onion, small dried shrimps is in etc of the grandma purchase detailed account.


The grandma is carrying bags of big pouch feed capable person, return the home to begin to make black group. Prepare the stuffing material of black group above all, grandma wash pork, bean curd doing and bamboo shoots in spring clean first, cut Cheng Xiaoding, a few steaky pork are put in preexistence boiler, boil a golden oil, put next other the pork that has cut, Jiang Pian breaks up fry, enter a few cooking wine, put the bean curd doing that has cut, dried bamboo shoots, shrimp to work to break up together again next fry, rejoin a few water, the boiler on the lid builds stew to burn a few minutes, when opening boiler to build a tangy fragrance head on and come, the grandma is scattered again on the chopped green onion that has cut, the stuffing makings of completely of one boiler lubricious fragrance is ready.作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


Then the grandma begins to make the skin of black group, the grandma puts the ground berry leaf that has washed in boiling water to opening boiler to burn dichotomy bell, scoop up drop to do water next, put them in broken wall machine to turn a few minutes again, a bowl sticky of the sticky juice that carry boiling water sending out the ” of cyan “ dye with sweet green grass is ready. Begin knead dough pink next, grandma and like making a steamed bread usually, pour powder into the basin, enter ready ground berry juice, knead together, next the edge kneads an edge to add water, a little while kongfu, the grandma kneads the big dough that gave posse peak green.


All preparative works had been done, can begin to wrap stuffing, see the grandma grabs only posse dough, knead a spherule, again the inter is pressed, dough turned to rise in the hand of the grandma, became bowl of a roundlet 5 times 3, next the grandma expects with stuffing of on ladle dip one full spoon, put in, handhold next mouth, again the edge turns the edge is pressed, very fast mouth with respect to mediate, show a spinous small tail, press the tail again go back, knead a few times, a round black group is finishing. I look by ready to do sth, also want to show hand of one private parts, then I wash clean hand, began my classic, but no matter how am I kneaded, dough is like very not obedient, those who knead the black group that come out to do not have a grandma is so perfect and fruity, the black group that mom laughs at me to do resembles all over the face the antic tangerine of furrow, nevertheless however very individualize.


Black group has been done, want to rise their evaporate of course, half boiler water is contained in preexistence boiler, after waiting for water to be burned, frame go up black group, build good boiler shell, evaporate 10-12 or so minutes, when opening boiler to build, gas of whole kitchen celestial being diffuses, each is small black group looks even more shiny green, resemble a green halcyon if show,concealed is like in the elfland that risking celestial being energy of life, the skin of black group resembles the skin of little baby, tender tender, of bright, as if in naughty ground to my beck, “ host, will quickly taste. Those a few antic tangerine that I do ” also look more plump and smooth-skinned and full, I took to taste, flavour club is marvellous!


Soft soft blueness is round, it is the recall to the ancestor, it is delicate inheritance, it is the continuance of close affection, it is domestic warmth, more solid of course delicate!
