

致客户的一封信英文 篇1

Dear customers

hello everyone!

First of all, on behalf of all colleagues of _ Co., Ltd., we would like toeXtend our sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to our distinguishedcustomers!

With the support of friends from all walks of life, especially fromcustomers, our company has made great achievements in 20_ and continues thedevelopment trend of e-commerce. We have withstood the competitive pressurebrought about by the instability of e-commerce and the fluctuation of a largenumber of online shopping malls, and achieved fruitful results; the new shoppingmall 20_ has been revamped and launched. Taobao flagship store is also inpreparation, and is eXpected to go online by the end of this year.

The products needed by customers have always been in short supply.Sometimes the eXtended delivery cycle has brought inconvenience or trouble tocustomers. Here, I would like to eXpress my deep apology.

It is gratifying that the e-commerce Department has entered the sprintstage, and the company will continue to strengthen investment in advertisingtechnology, and its factories will continue to introduce new productionlines,

Under the premise of ensuring the quality, we should strengthen theproduction of products

At that time, the bottleneck of production capacity restriction will breakthrough at one stroke, the needs of customers will be met in time, and we willdeliver satisfactory answers for customers.

It's a great honor for us to cooperate with our distinguished customers. Wesincerely appreciate your support and cooperation. You cooperate with us inmarket development to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. We haveestablished a good relationship of common development with you, which will beconsolidated and strengthened under the careful maintenance and cultivation ofboth sides. Your success and brilliance have brought about the development andgrowth of our enterprise.

Make 100% efforts, let the customer 100% satisfaction, this is our businesspurpose. The times and society are constantly progressing, and our products andservices should also keep pace with the times. We sincerely look forward to youresteemed customers to put forward higher requirements for our products andservices, so that our enterprises can provide you with better products andservices.

On the occasion of the launch, on behalf of me and our enterprise, I wouldlike to eXpress my heartfelt thanks and respect to the respected customers onceagain!

I sincerely wish the respected customers great success and prosperity!

致客户的一封信英文 篇2

Dear Mr. Li


Time flies, time flies. Unconsciously, I have been in the national lifeinsurance for ten years. After ten years of insurance career, I suddenlyrealized the value of life. With gratitude, I would like to eXpress my cordialgreetings and sincere thanks to you! Thank you for your support and help in thepast. Thank you for making me full of confidence and courage in the insuranceindustry and enjoy the harvest and joy from it! As the saying goes: "receivepeople's gratitude, when the spring to repay!" What you have given me is a heavytrust. I understand that only the insurance road has been going on, has beenwalking well, is the biggest return to you! Please believe that enthusiasm andenthusiasm of HongXia will always be by your side. Insurance, as a way of lifearrangement in the future, is being accepted and loved by more and more people.I am honored to be your life insurance financial consultant and have theopportunity to serve you! In the past days, because of insurance, we have morecontacts and eXchanges. Your open-minded and wise, understanding and trust, letme be inspired and grateful. Since I entered the insurance industry, insurancehas made my heart become more broad and integrated, strong and enterprising.When my heart is frustrated and hit, when I think of the support and trust ofmany customers and the eXpectation of my family, I dare not let myself slack offand continue to move forward bravely in this industry.

Calm and tranquility are the embodiment of life power, which comes from theinner calm and security. Although life insurance can't resist risks, it can makepeople feel sad and soothe the soul, and let the people who love us and those welove deeply feel a continuous love and responsibility, so that the courage tolive and the vision of creating a new life can't be achieved by other goods andservices. Therefore, I have warned myself more than once that I should neversell insurance to others because of my love and never say "no" to insuranceeasily! I want to go on firmly in the insurance industry, and give more peoplesatisfaction insurance services! It's the beginning of the year again. Thank youfor giving me the opportunity to learn from you. I also sincerely wish you goodhealth, smooth work, harmonious family, prosperous business and prosperouscareer! For myself, I will continue to learn and forge ahead to become moresubstantial and professional, I will continue to provide you with the mostprofessional, the most perfect, the best quality service! I hope you cancontinue to give me more support and help in the future, let me give security tomore people and more families!

China Life Dong HongXia to January 2013

致客户的一封信英文 篇3

Dear customers


Welcome to your home. There is a children's library.

Picture book, namely picture book, is a kind of genre that children like tosee. It is in line with the characteristics of children's thinking development.It is very attractive for children to read and welcomed by children. In theprocess of picture book reading, children's imagination and creativity get gooddevelopment.

Datong family has book boy, is the pioneer of picture book rental anddelivery service. It is committed to the establishment of children's readinghabits. Through the regular distribution of picture books to customers' homes,parents can develop the cognitive habit of reading in the children's habitdevelopment period, so as to help children establish their own way of thinkingand cognition of the world and promote self-help learning The cultivation ofhabit. At the same time, there are book children at home. For families that payattention to children's growth, parents and children's picture books storymeeting is provided free of charge. The teacher is a loving gardener who hasbeen teaching for many years and is committed to promoting picture books.Different classes and different harvests are available. Parents and children arewelcome to come home and have a children's picture book library. Please read andlet your children harvest a scholarly childhood in the wonderful picture bookworld.

Reading is a lifelong thing, you'd better take 20 minutes out of your busyschedule every day to accompany children to read books, discuss and enjoy thefun of books together. After a period of time, you will find that there is a TVfan, a computer fan, a troublemaker and a bookworm. Reading picture books giveschildren not only the visual enjoyment, but also the understanding of detailsand spiritual eXperience. In the spiritual dialogue with picture books, childrenroam between the lines which are full of human brilliance, harmony of nature andchildlike innocence. It is bound to broaden the horizons, enrich the heart,sublimate the realm, and improve the personality, so as to give the children achance to love reading I fell in love with the opportunity to learn. I read alibrary every four weeks, 16 books a month, and 200 books a year. I read alibrary in my childhood, making reading a habit and learning a pleasure.Starting from having a schoolboy at home, we firmly believe that cultivatingreading habits will benefit children's life.

致客户的一封信英文 篇4

Dear owners

Happy Spring Festival!

In the twinkling of an eye, 2017 has gone quietly, and the steed of 2018has stepped forward. All the past is memories, and the future is beautiful!

Throughout 2017, yi'anju foremen club has contacted thousands of ownerswith decoration needs, constantly participating in and listening to yourdecoration stories. Maybe some of our owners did not reach an agreement in ashort period of time, so they withdrew from your decoration stage. However, thisdoes not hinder yi'anju from sending you warm wishes for the new year andkeeping the same new house as you Happy mood; more owners have completed thedecoration tour of your home with the efforts of the eXcellent foremen of yianjuforemen club and the witness of yianju staff, which certainly containsheartache, anger, joy and eXcitement. Of course, it is inseparable from yourhard work. Do you remember that our company staff asked the boss for leave tofacilitate you to go out and buy building materials? Do you still remember thatwhile you were out on business, you secretly went to the new house to "inspect"the workers' construction? Do you still remember that you were fined a day'ssalary because you didn't choose a suitable living room lamp for a wholeafternoon? Do you remember the quality problems and construction delay caused bythe workers' disobedience and in accordance with his so-called "eXperience"? Howangry and mad you are! Ha ha, it's all over. It doesn't matter. What's importantis that your new residence has become better and better in various coordinationand communication, and has become the same as you imagine. All kinds ofhappiness and unhappiness in the past 2-3 months have become memories, anirreplaceable memory. In the future life, in which details, you will more orless think of these eXperiences Will smile gently.

With your strong support, yianju foreman club has gradually completed thetransformation from ordinary decoration company to foreman club mode, adaptingto the home decoration mode of low gross profit and high output. Whilemaintaining good construction quality, it really gives the profit to the ownerand the foreman.

In this year, we also encountered the refusal to pay labor fees byunscrupulous customers, many customers were "unconditionally" deleted in thepublic comments, and malicious competition from peers... But fortunately, westill have your support, so we have not stopped moving forward, which is betterthan the special inspection mechanism of other companies, the proXimityprinciple of convenient site management, and the home insurance given tocustomers ... all this will only make us go better and farther! Because,everything has you!

In the new year of 2018, the development principle of easygoing is still tomake profits, so as to benefit the decoration owners and the constructionforeman; to carry out practical decoration, it is really developing!

On the eve of Chinese traditional New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, allthe staff and foremen of yi'anju foremen's Club wish you and your family a happyNew Year! Happy family! Everything goes well!

致客户的一封信英文 篇5

Dear, thank you for liking and using Mary Kay's products. As a professionalbeauty consultant, I will teach you how to use the products better.

1。 Mary Kay's formula requires very high requirements. If a friend givesyou a set of Mary Kay, or a formula selected by her own feelings, the formulamay not be completely targeted at your skin, and it will not have any effect,which wastes time, money and feelings. Be sure to consult a beauty consultant todesign the formula for you! Skin needs to change the season to adjust theformula, so you need to contact the beauty consultant regularly to accept theguidance of changing the formula!

2。 Mary Kay's skin care products are maintenance type. The longer you useit, you will start conditioning from the bottom of the skin. From the inside ofthe skin, it will be tight, full of elasticity, more and more transparent, andmore and more healthy, so don't rush for success!

3。 Mary Kay's tripeptide one molecule is the world's first small molecule,with strong absorption and penetration, which has surpassed the technologycontent of Lancome and Estee Lauder and other first-line brands! After long-termuse, the skin will always be very tight! There is a tripeptide in the magic timeseries!

4。 Mary Kay products are passed the food and drug testing standards Oh! Soif our friends around us are pregnant, we can still rest assured!

5。 Mask two times a week must be done, mask is to help us get through thepores, better absorb products, you can put the mask on the side of the washbasin, wash your face directly after painting! For eXample, it can be fiXed onWednesday night and Saturday night!

6。 Since the establishment of Mary Kay company for 50 years, it has becomethe first brand in cosmetics industry.

7。 If your skin has ever used freckle cream or whitening and anti acne skincare in a beauty salon, and your skin is thin and sensitive to red blood, thebottom layer of your skin must contain impurities and toXins. At this time, MaryKay products will help us to metabolize impurities and toXins in the skin. Ifthe impurities are not metabolized clean, the skin with toXins can not beabsorbed, let alone absorbed Skin will get better!

8。 During this period, the sales volume eXceeds RMB 700 million in one day!This is the miracle of the whole cosmetics industry, created by Mary Kay! Veryshocking number! All over the country.

9。 Do remember, when we tell you that there is a discount during thepromotion, we must take it seriously, so that your interests will be maXimized!Adhere to the use of beauty and happiness will always accompany you!
