

There was a trader once upon a time, he sells lance to sell aegis again already. One day, because the business is bad, he raves: The best lance on “ world, can piercing all aegis! ”


People listened to buy lance. He raves again: The best aegis on “ world, can hold off all lance! ” people runs to buy aegis again.


Abrupt, a person says: How does “ prick your aegis to meet with your lance? The face of ” businessman is red, people go back lance and aegis.


The businessman because this is very pained, he thought a few days. Eventually, he decides to sell lance only, but sold ten days only washed-up, because income is insufficient.


He thought a few days afresh again, finally, he decides to wear this body dress to sell aegis in the morning, wear that body dress to sell lance afternoon. He sold more than 20 days, everyday it is good that the business carries a top on the head.


But one day, his cousin is passed, chat together with him then, the cousin says: “ contradictory brother (the nickname that has to him) , hear you sell light once lance and aegis, is people retreated again? ”


As a result people knows he is the fellow that that each feels clever, removed lance and shield again.


Arrived in the evening, the businessman was asleep sadly. In the dream, a fairy says to him: You can go to “ learn a skill, call eloquence. ”


After the businessman wakes, go seeking a teacher immediately, he has turned over hill to cross mountain, found an eloquence teacher. He learned 17 years over, after learning, he says good-bye to the teacher.


He returns home town, come to the town, he takes lance to cry greatly: Everybody sees “ quickly, how the dragon on this lance is terrible, the enemy looks be about to shrink back. People listens ” , give spear buy light.


He says again: “ everybody quick look, how the tiger on this aegis is fearsome, the enemy looks be about to faint! People listens ” , buy aegis again smooth.


From now on any commodity he can sell with different kind go out, he also went up too happy and easy and comfortable life.
