

Spring came, on the hillside, in field, on silvan edge, meadow, everywhere sees the figure of dandelion. The leaf of dandelion is zigzag, its leaf some is stuck in the ground to grow, some leaf face skies grow, the flower of dandelion is flaxen. After a rain during springtime passes, when there is rainbow in the sky, the conceal in the leaf of dandelion is worn glittering and translucent dew is flickering, the facial expression that allows leaf appears deep green, flower is admiring a head haughtily to blossomming, maize flower added infinite opportunity of survival and beauty to green meadow.

春天来了,山坡上、田野里、森林边、草地上,随处可见蒲公英的身影。蒲公英的叶子是锯齿形的,它的叶子有的贴在地面生长,有的叶子朝天空生长,蒲公英的花是淡黄色的。一场春雨过后,天空中挂着彩虹的时候,蒲公英的叶子里藏匿着晶莹的露珠一闪一闪的,让叶子的颜色显得深绿,花朵骄傲的仰着头绽放着,黄色的花朵给绿色草地增添了无限的生机和美丽。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

Every arrive this is seasonal, people is met of in twos and threes taking a penknife to be on the hillside, in field, dandelion is dug on silvan edge, meadow, the action of dandelion but big! Leaf eats is light in the mouth hard, it can go to what human body changes because of season already inside fire, still can be used as medicine, so people loves to eat dandelion.


Dandelion grows move, long move in the season this early spring, flower slowly wither, grew the spherule ball of shagginess of a white next, a breeze has been blown, spherule ball sways in wind, resemble a small member that descend, fly high to descend slowly again along with wind. The distance that they fly along with wind is errant, fly sometimes ah fly ah those who fly is very far very far, had flown the ideal hillside, field that had flown to hope, had flown dreamy forest, fly to that high ridge, fall in that insensible the soil of the name is medium, sandy on stone, in those days is their new home.


Came in the winter, dandelion hides below firn, preparing next year spring to be in rooted and gemmiparous, be in and people encounters.


I like dandelion, like the flower of its that beauty, like the joy that it brings to people in spring, prefer it tenacious meaning power and firm vitality. Accordingly I also want to do a strong person like dandelion, do an ironside.
