

Today this gym, the teacher teachs us to learn skip. The teacher made demonstrative motion first, see him only double foot and approach, body station is straight, look up hold out a bosom, double closefisted tightens ground handholding string, let cord be behind oneself. Began to jump, he throws the rope forth, double foot jumps gently, skip falls from his sole when crossing, he jumps suddenly. such, skip flits on his the top of head a little while, cross below his sole a little while, brilliant like a ring of light is same, extremely good-looking. When skip attrition ground, give out the reputation of ” of “ bang bang that has rhythm, be like lark to sing on the tree, very euphonic.

今天这节体育课,老师教我们学跳绳。老师先做了示范动作,只见他双脚并拢,身体站直,抬头挺胸,双手紧紧地握住绳子,让绳子在自己身后。开始跳了,他把绳往前一甩,双脚轻轻一跳,跳绳从他脚底下穿过时,他猛地一跳。就这样,跳绳一会在他的头顶上掠过,一会在他的脚底下穿过,像一个漂亮的光环一样,好看极了。跳绳摩擦地面时,发出有节奏的“啪啪”声,好像百灵鸟在树上唱歌,十分悦耳。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

The movements that I also cannot help imitating a teacher sprang, but, skip is not to be hit on my leg, hit on my foot namely, how to jump to also do not succeed. Be when my bruise again and again is breathless, I wanted to abandon originally, however sports teacher walked over, say to work to want to have patience seriously only to me, certain and OK of make it, that one scintilla that this one word lets my heart is medium upblaze.


Then, I am resolved must surmount oneself, those who let oneself change is more ambitious than before.


Passed my two weeks study, I am a lot of stronger than before now. Bout says me to the everybody in the classroom strong like a lion, what listened to make me buoyant in the heart is extremely glad.


However small just walked over, extend a finger to say to me: Dare you mix “ Xiaoming do I compare skip? ”“ is good, come down to be compared to the playground. My both hands tightens one match of ” to handhold closely skip, began to jump, I stare at close ahead like a lion. Of do all one can those who let oneself jump is a bit faster, the match ended me to jump 150, small just jumped 90, I won.


Skip can exercise my body not only, return the fun that can let me experience motion, it is kill two birds with one stone really.
