

It is by the side of the driveway, we can see the figure that environmental sanitation is versed in; In the hospital, we can see the figure of doctor nurse; When having disaster, we can see the figure of firemen. And be in 61 in this class, always can see my figure.


In activity of a few campus, my form shows itself sometimes, and be buried to be in boundless and indistinct sea of faces again sometimes. In these activities, what make my impression the deepest among them is the speech below ensign when 5 grade: That time, I and partner stand below ensign, in entire school student before the character that reading aloud speech draft to go up, the introduction is very successful, although not be very give prize, but have any fault hardly, won an applause of the student below the stage. In those days, I what stand on the stage feel achievement feeling and happy feeling explode canopy, I also showed god-given smile.作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


Still once, it is to be when 61 Children's Festivals, the school runs an activity (pleasance) : Teachers are in charge of “ placing booth ” , namely every teacher can have a little game, want your game to connect only closed to be able to acquire a stamp, seal still can exchange gift with the teacher finally; Students can be in at will education building change trains, see which amused, can queue up. Encounter this kind of activity that plays ” about “ , my nature nots allow to miss. Still remember in those days, I made an appointment with a good friend one case pleasance, we are in 4 buildings left change, right change. In so old education building, I think, we the form of two still holds out “ dazzling ” .


This world, so big, have so much person, do not meet without me loss what, the world is to move normally as before. But I think, this is the world has me, regular meeting is more wonderful, more flowery!
