

The metropolis in the lifetime of everybody encounters a lot of setbacks, want us to never abandon only however, these setbacks can vanish completely certainly. The Mencius once had said: “ sky will fall to hold the post of Yu Siren greatly also, suffer from its heart annals first surely, fatigue its bones and muscles, hungry its body skin, empty lack its body, what its are travel stroke chaos, his mind disturbed so bear a gender, gain its place cannot. ”

每个人的一生中都会遇到很多的挫折,然而只要我们永不放弃,这些挫折一定会烟消云散。孟子曾经说过:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能。”作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

I had encountered a lot of setbacks, laugh and before pass, do not cross this, I am however how to also laugh not to come out.


Be in on Monday, I and my good friends go together kickball, passed a little while, I should make the door, he does not want to let me score a goal, give me intentionally actually tripping, I get angry to rave surprisingly again: You do “ what! ” he however say of ground of not worry at all: Yourself pours “ , do not involve my issue again. ” I am very angry, did not play football with him. I return the home or be indignant: His this individual how so abhorrent! It is him obviously tying me to still say is not him, I also do not become a friend with him again, also also did not play with him again, be too abhorrent really!


Arrived the following day, class hour of Yo thing upper part of the body, nobody and I play, I a person is taking a can alone land, the heart thinks: Hey! Still be inferior to saying with him yesterday! Played without person and me today! Return the home, I am happy also do not rise, mom asks me: “ you how? I am low head says ” : “ does not have a thing. ” mom asks again: Does “ check difference again? I say ” : “ is done not have. ” is caught, I walked into a room, I think: I must be mixed his become reconciled, I am very otherwise alone, do not have a friend!


Arrived on Wednesday, I go to him before, say: “ Is am sorry! I should not say you, our become reconciled! He is red face says ” : “ I also I am sorry you, I should not deceive people. ” such, we became a good friend again.


This is a small setback in my growing experience, it is the epitome that I grow. Although the setback in life is very much, but want us to be faced bravely only, go attentively solving, setback, regular meeting does not have some!
