

I want to be told to everybody today, help new China establish the great person of period. With a few films through the book I just know new China hold water have how not easy, our elder experienced countless cross. Their some holds water for new China and dedicated oneself precious life, and most let I am touched and distressed is to still a few survival come down, but their body has been absent perfect, limb is misshapen.

今天我要给大家讲讲,帮助新中国成立时期的伟大的人。通过书籍和一些电影我才知道新中国的成立有多么不易,我们的前辈经历了无数的磨难。他们有的为新中国成立而奉献了自己的宝贵生命,而最让我感动和痛心的是还有一些幸存下来,但是他们的身体已经不在健全,四肢残缺。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

Let me remember the deepest person to be called golden ear world, he is some artillerist 3 battalion army of 9 connected a communication. The line that once they connect was broken by enemy blast, world of need gold ear goes getting on the circuit link that broke, golden ear world is taking a tool to was repaired. Passed a little while, line fostered cordial relations between states, communication restored. Front and headquarters are contacted eventually, but do not see golden ear world tardy,come back. Comrade-in-armses worry about him very much, group person goes searching. When finding golden ear world eventually, a leg that discovers him was done not have by scamper, the past outflow of blood gurgle is worn, pulled a more than 20 meters blood way after one's death, does not know how he is accomplished, in get hurt continue to procrastinate below so severe case went so far, the news report that is safeguard front only is whole. I was shaken by his firm perseverance and the spirit that struggle for the motherland, he is my heart in forever the greatest person!


Think China present youth, where the person previously has tough will in that way? Coddle since childhood, a bit also does not have the spirit that bear hardships, present youth where has the person previously doughty ah!


Ask everybody to listen to me one persuades, the motherland gave us so good surroundings and educational quality, we must learn well, learn skill, make contribution for the motherland, always guard our motherland.


Finally, I still think the motherland mother to us says: The motherland, I love you!
