

Confidence, the power source of a person.


Still write down so that play game of model of paper quality of peaceful country city that day, I look at the classmate that comes from different school, resemble a megalith is being pressed heavily immediately in the heart, pant to breathe heavily to come nevertheless, the heart is it seems that inside the body ceaselessly skip, , two, 3 ……


Come to race site, I was thrown into confusion by insecurity a bit rhythm, hurry-scurry ground is liquidating tool, goods, I control stop hard, but it still fears so that with a rustle quiver in that. I looked sidelong at the person on the side gently, discover they are doing sundry work: Of big horn, the …… of serial rail mounted is curious and eccentric, the style all goes out, it is good to return some to had been done debugging. But this still does not have a hour, can't help a few fear to mix in my heart afraid, can be they done more fortunately than us? I talk in whispers in what keep in the heart: Do not have a thing! They are so fast, what do not have me to do for certain is good, because of the slow work yields fine products. But I think again: Although the slow work yields fine products is right, but can because too slow and direct a bureau? Then I whip and spur, bury below, continued to work.作文网 ZuoWenBa.Net


This is endless make a process tensely again, spend safe and soundly eventually, spent Pacific Ocean like a boat quite.


Should try “ to make rocket ” next. This process is more difficult undoubtedly, once do not succeed, that with respect to all one's previous efforts wasted, fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth-fall short of success for lack of a final effort, plateful all is defeated. I am moved ceaselessly will be moved, try will try, eventually, succeeded! A chuckle to oneself in my heart.


My sole resembles was to wipe oil, like running so that wanted to fly, bear down on like the arrow that leaves spring test site.


For sedate for the purpose of, I decide to be debugged again. Alas! This is debugged, the confidence in my heart was irrigated to destroy at a draught, because result is very bad. I am revised hastily, not bad, reluctance can be used. I loosened eventually at a heat, the megalithic instant ash that is pressed on the body flies smoke destroys. I put it gently on testboard, for the first time, did not succeed, my heart resembles is was broken off heavily by thunder. The 2nd, breathe out! Crossed the first only, within an inch of arrives danger sopt, I am dark in the heart secretly tongue way: You can get spherule to be nodded to my try to make a good showing! But in the heart still in fear and trembling. The 3rd, I adjust state of mind, think: Want me to have hope to oneself only, sedate operation, regular meeting has good result. As expected, the 2nd, the 3rd, spherule falls darlingly to the ground, 30.88 second. …… achievement returns Hahahaha pretty good! I am not carried have many glad, excited start comes! Later, the teacher tells me, my achievement won special grade award. It is kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person really!


Through match of model of this paper quality, I knew more: Want to have hope only, unremitting, do not have the difficulty that cannot capture!
