

Like me expeditionary to come to Yamaxun rain forest, what travel together with me is 3 are having those who abound experience is expeditionary member. We are bringing compass, map, water, medicines and chemical reagents, tent and food, be full of excited affection, open this expeditionary brigade.


Those 3 member that take a risk not only seasoned, very friendly also, this makes me confident to travelling this. All the way, our in tandem is going.


Abrupt, a rattlesnake drew our attention, I am ineffable the ground is alarmed rise, heart phut phut jumps continuously: Bad, we want abdomen of be buried snake! Those 3 member that take a risk saw my idea, small raise of corners of the mouth, say: “ is breathed out, we can eat protein of anguine flesh complement today! ” he is decisive took out rod fork, go agily to rattlesnake fork, instantaneous dry that snake! But we confused a road unexpectedly, next we take ourselves to take, found the way that go back, those 3 member that take a risk not only dry rattlesnake, still made delicate dinner. Be too fierce really! I admire secretly.( 作文网 wWW.zUowEnBA.neT )


Satiate drink sufficient hind, colour of sky already gradually late, the damp in rain forest is very big, we must make a fire as soon as possible, build good tent, find a place for good abode. Unexpectedly, rainstorm will raid, fire tardy cannot light, try every means also does not have the member that I take a risk with those 3 tarry our tent, it had been destroyed by rainstorm. But under, among them a member that take a risk decides to seek big leaf and branch, “ house ” is installed on the tree.


Through the do sth over and over again of one night, the following day, I got heavy cold. Among them a member that take a risk also did not sleep good last night, it is to be afraid that the beast makes a surprise attack, 2 it is to fear occurrence problem of “ house ” . But brought food place surplus very few, must get so a person goes seeking food. He offers to let right now I frail rest well, oneself seek food alone. Although I am not at ease, but also have no alternative, the drug that took ourselves area is dizzy the ground was asleep. Did not pass how long, among them a member that take a risk brought back a few fruits, we are voracious one. After making rest and reorganization a bit, I two set out again, xiangya walks along …… in the horse inferiors


A river is in rain forest, abrupt, a bundle of light appears in us at the moment, “ is a boat! It is flashlight! The member that ” takes a risk among them then is excited ground say. We run over rapidly, ascended a boat, expeditionary task ends satisfactorily. The member that I take a risk with those 3 hits a bottom, expect the next time wonderful expeditionary brigade.
