

The —— of the first project that we greeted a heart to taste base flies seize Lu to decide the bridge. We are very excited.


At the beginning, the teacher calls a few classmates to move two ladder, one is hanged in front of of the bridge, one is hanged at the back of of the bridge. The teacher set an example to us, she went up first of ladder the most topmost, next in the center of left foot puts in the first board, in cross a leg while, the teacher grabs the hand on two iron chain of bolt board. Stride right leg …… next such, one pace walked along the teacher thither.

一开始,老师叫几个同学搬来两架梯子,一个挂在桥的前面,一个挂在桥的后面。老师给我们示范了一下,她先上了梯子的最顶端,然后左脚放在第一块木板的中央,在跨脚的同时,老师把手抓在了栓木板的两根铁链上。然后迈右脚……就这样,老师一步一步走到了对岸。来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

The teacher lets us according to her in that way, cross the bridge one by one. Each ground reduces the classmate before me, the scared bit by bit in my heart increases. Look at classmates to be like flat firmly on the bridge, my envy is urgent. Be turn for me eventually, I am sucked greatly at a heat, went up ladder, cross the first board, board begins to shake, I frighten close an eye, be just as, frighten filled with apprehension, lose one's balance. ” is cheered, cheer! The sound that ” is familiar with one blast passes into my ear, I slowly open an eye, oh, the good friend Liu Jiangfan that is me so guides classmates to be in I am cheered! I was heard cheer sound, had courage immediately. To the 2nd, the 3rd board stepped a pace cautiously. “ , I succeeded! ”


Today, I attend fly seize Lu to decide the bridge this project, exercised the body not only, still let me harvest courage, still have friendship!
