

Encounter, be the heart hand in collect, it is affective expression more. That trousers and the washing powder flavour above, it is the proof that I and you had encountered.


In my memory, your figure is medium, skin Huang Li is fully black, stature is not tall, there always is a smile on the face, regard bus of a travel as the driver of the car, you are being paid in ground of the unknown to public on the most ordinary post.


A summer 3 years ago, I knew you because of an accidental opportunity.


That is go of Zi rich grind learn an activity, because of the body state of my individual, plus go urgently again in the morning, so the car rises, I feel the body is very unwell. Not a little while, the thing in my stomach tilted to come out from my mouth with respect to the situation that is like topple the mountains and overturn the seas.


In those days, face the look of one car person, I feel suddenly to lose face, very ashamed, it is when I am very helpless, you appeared, you come over to help me clear the puke on the ground, gave me a new trousers subsequently.


Arrived destination museum, everybody gets off go looking around. In those days, my mood is bad, did not go in along with the group, a person sits in museum doorway. Scratch, I saw you are washing my dirty clothes, this makes I very astonish, very accident, but more it is the full in the heart is appreciated. I and you have never met before, and you help a stranger do this to plant in your breathing space however dirty work, tired work, actually, you need not do …… completely


I come to the side of of bus car, want to say to you acoustical “ thanks ” . The word has not spoken a mouth, head on you carried a cup of tepid water to me, urge me to drink below. Water is not very hot, it is a cup of ordinary plain boiled water only, but drink after falling, I feel always however to a warm current shed my whole body.


Answer Qingdao that day, you gave me cutcha trousers, enjoin me to make me much rest. On road coming home, I am looking at that cutcha trousers, do not know to say what is good temporarily unexpectedly.


In cutcha trousers, I smelled a light washing powder flavour, and this kind of flavour is distinctive, unforgettable ……


I present, already taller than growing before a lot of, a lot of dresses cannot have been worn. Put forward to want to give that trousers when the mother when throwing away, I always do not let, because every time I see that trousers, meet that with respect to what can remember I and you.


With your encountering, let me know be thankful ……
