

Greenery went stealthily into the summerly girl of shade, of golden harvests autumn the girl came stealthily. She draped a colourful clothes for field.


You look, sugar cane is far read boundless like green ocean. Approach look, sugar cane is next to, resemble a sapling, resemble each martial soldier again. Grow long leaf some to resemble green dagger, some resembling that grow long Li Jian. Blast is blown, leaf has dance lightly, seem to dancing for the autumn, seem to greeting sb to us again, really interesting.

你看,甘蔗远看像一片无边无际的绿色海洋。走近看,甘蔗一棵挨着一棵,像一棵棵小树,又像一个个威武的战士。长长的叶子有的像绿色的尖刀,有的像长长的利剑。一阵风吹来,叶子翩翩起舞,好像在在为秋天跳舞,又好像在向我们打招呼,真有趣啊。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

The paddy that farmer uncle plants is in front. Far the ocean that reads a rice field to resemble a golden color, rice of a bead bilges so that rouse to rouse, resemble be about to explode like coming out. The spike of rice of heavy controls paddy lever bent. Rice is bending a waist to resemble making wave with me.


Saw crop, the vegetable garden that treats color again. You look, violet the aubergine that must shine, resemble each piquant baby. They are hanged on the branch, resemble be in swing swing. Look at greatly aubergine, I want to pick to come home really the piscine sweet aubergine that does me to love to eat most. Still have in vegetable plot lots and lots of chili, some is strung together like a string spend the New Year the firecracker that set off, some spinous, resemble a Yang Jiao, still have round circle, resemble each lantern. Chili has red, of orange, green …… is multicoloured, extremely beautiful. Look at multicoloured chili, the chili that I thought of to I love to eat most fries the flesh. I want to pick them really come home.


Orchard fructification again and again of the autumn. You look, the tree grows a banana how flourishly, corpulent leaf resembles green green big fan. One string is strung together green, yellow banana is hanged on the branch, bit of small like each crescent moon hangs down from the tree. Look at a string to string together banana, I want to pick a few to eat enough really.


The autumn is the season of a bumper harvest, I love the autumn.
