

Gentle breeze stroke passes, went 20 years. Awake in the morning, robot chamberlain has been water, tooth brush, breakfast and dress I am ready. Just have a holiday today, the change after I see this 20 years!


I go out, the car of magnetism in suspension that with respect to the silver-colored gray that saw me nobody drive, having each examination to me. Hear only " bite, detect successful! " , door was opened, I get on a car " whiz " set out.

我一出门,就看见了我的银灰色无人驾驶的磁悬浮汽车,在对我进行各项检查。只听见“叮,检测成功!”的一声,车门就打开了,我一上车便“嗖”的一下出发了。来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

Outside looking at a window, I discovered present Shenzhen to had differred completely with the Shenzhen previously, former large building is hanged in sky from the ground, a travel of people be bicycle not merely, still have communal flight slide.


Subsequently I reached dragon bead school. The iron crawl previously was changed full automatic scanning machine, I just arrived doorway, the alarm of doorway machine rings noisy, come over head on two white robots, ask nervously: "You are how many years old, what to come here to work? " I tell a robot, I am 30 years old, the change that my school sees 20 years this in light of me. The robot thought to allow an introduction model the robot was taking me to look 5 (4) the classroom of the class.


I see there is a flat on each table, "That is the fellow student that 3D protects eye flat to be able to use connection to did not come, this is solar energy blackboard... " the introductory path that the robot dashs along.


Gave the school I sit into the car, look at contend for strange fight colourful flower to be before fast thrill through, look at taller and taller Fang Dacheng, returned the home so in.


"Master you came back eventually, did not have a thing to eat. " I sighed at a heat, be forced to fall to be bought in downstair small supermarket feed capable person, return the home I open holographic and umbriferous preparation to watch news, does the robot cry greatly inside the kitchen " my ladle? Master ladle... be in so this. Master ladle... be in so this..


The life after 20 years more and more intelligence, more and more convenient, more and more beautiful...
