

A sweat bead


“ Ca, ca, ca. ” ball-pen and the sound that paper chafes often come out. Before desk, I what immersing oneself in writing article also am worn in after-thought …… of that one sweat bead


“ bites bell bell ——” attended class, classmates bore down on commonly like evil wolf classroom. Ring stopped, fellow students became quiet, awaiting the teacher's arrival. But, a minute, two minutes, time of 3 minutes of …… went, the teacher did not come. At first, fellow students are very quiet, very earnest. But, time grew, classmates are a bit impatient, especially hind 3 classmate, have complain, have play, have laugh …… not a little while the classmate in front also began. Quiet classroom is noisier and noisier, more and more be troubled by, became a pot of porridge-a complete mess in disorder.( WwW.ZuowenBa.Net )


Be in at this moment, the teacher came, whole class immediately quiet to come down, what hold out the back is straight like poplar. The teacher took a few work to us, prepare to review a data to us on dais next, but passed a little while, the eaves of Zhang Hao of ” of ghost of “ make trouble of our class is the same as with him desk did not know how to make a noise to rise.


“ is returned I! ” this those who broke a classroom is quiet, the teacher walks over gravely, ask Zhang Hao world: “ you how? Mr. ”“ , zhang Hao eaves takes my pen. Of eaves of ” Zhang Hao say with desk Liu musical instrument, wanting dehisce conversation in the teacher that momently, a sweat bead boils from facial ministry of the teacher fall down, instantly, tear was full of suddenly in my eye.


In burning hot intense heat of summer, who can shed a sweat? But, in my eye, dispute of that one sweat bead is the same as the teacher of common. Each sweat of the teacher flows for us, acquire more knowledge to let us, make us clear be an upright person, working truth. And us? We always give a teacher incommode, what is more,the rather that teacher besides prepare lessons, correct more than 70 exercise everyday even! We not only do not know be thankful, it is very will still can complain late in teacher teacher. Although be thankful to often be hanged in mouth edge, but were we accomplished? Who knows how many sweat teacher rearward shed? Is there much trouble? Teacher for us, no matter freezing intense heat of summer, blow rain, will to us attend class, we should be thankful just is!


“ spring silkworm just is used up to dead silk, candle fire becomes grey tear only then dry. Everything what Mr. ” place does everything is for us, for us health grows, become national ridgepole and beam-pillar of the state for us. Wish to we can be cherished and be thankful of the teacher pay!
