

The sky of stretch to the horizon ases if is a depressed child, just white complexion comes down murkily gradually, be replaced by heavy hoar. Piquant wind is strung together in disorder everywhere, play with the curtain rose to play hide-and-seek, its circumjacent silken silk is in the dancing that follow wind.


The corner of the room, putting a desk and chair, I am sitting to write line of business quietly over, facing mathematical difficult problem, I however a bit does not have main threads of an affair. Draw near exam, my heart always is troubled by a few bagatelle. I rose a cup of milk, make as far as possible him calm, deep breathing at a heat, continue to raise pen and difficult problem to battle, imperceptible, a few hour went, I to white much blacker little exam paper can find no way out, I begin to catch mad, the heart lighted indignant fire. I am flat cruel-hearted, stood, shout furiously: “ was not written! ” follows heavy sound throwing a pen to ring from the desk. I go to the front of the window, stand still downheartedly hereat.

房间的角落,摆放着一套桌椅,我在那里安静地坐着写作业,面对着数学难题,我却丝毫没有头绪。临近考试,我的心总被一些琐事烦恼。我起身倒了一杯牛奶,尽量使自己平静下来,深呼吸一口气,继续提笔与难题对战,不知不觉,几个钟头过去了,我对着白多黑少的答卷一筹莫展,我开始抓狂了,内心燃起了愤怒之火。我干脆一下狠心,站了起来,气愤地嚷道:“不写了!”随之一声重重的摔笔声从桌上响起。我走到窗前,无精打采地伫立于此。作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT

The station is by the side of the window, staring the scenery outside the window. Have a clear pond nearby, qing Bo ripples, between leaf of piscine play lotus, frog cries below pond a low bank of earth between fields. I can'ted help sighing gently, see a sky sadly, feel immediately all round became black gray at a draught, the flower smiles no longer, wind no longer gentle, birdie stopped to sing, if chump is general and erect,cultivate greatly do not move, everything all around appears Dou Jing stops to be not moved. I two confused, lax in discipline must mop up between house rise, an a meter many tall yellow bookcase caused my attention, I extended handle gently to be touched gently, there already was a thin thin dust above. My conveniently took a piece of paper, the shop was in on the ground on the ground and sit, I raised a head, both hands stalls chin, hoping to once fondled admiringly collect carefully the book of for a long time, was immersed in contemplative: “ is ferial in, know to attend class only, exercise, leaf through the book that exposes on this bookcase without idea intention ground however, take the opportunity, why to leave ongoing pace ceaselessly, does with the book medium character come interior dialog? ” day is gradually light rise, bird rang to bleat livelily sound. The work that I take a Yu Hua " brother " , began to read from the beginning rise, there is elegant illustration in the book, without the character's effigies, but each sentence that reading each character composition, savouring each sentence to form each paragraphic, the character in the book ases if to be before, begin interior communication with oneself.


Arrange orderly between the lines from inside the book in, I understood head of hero Li Guang is an adamant fellow. He as a child much calamity is much more difficult, 10 years old or so became roam about the orphan of street, but before difficulty he complains without a bit. Come in order to collect rubbish all the day keep the pot boiling, after the prothorax that should see he is hungry is stuck unlucky, I feel nose acid is acerbity, the eye is wet also, but see Li Guang head is hopeful and firm again, the smiling face of raise self-confidence, a pair of day is not afraid of the lovely appearance that the ground is not afraid of, I can defeat tears again and laugh. Character of Li Guang head is modelled very bright, he says sincere letter, dare do dare become, know be thankful, adamant, from empty stomach rumbles and one often collects rubbish plum rubbish, to millionaire, multimillionaire, the Li Zong of billionaire, it is him adamant, the achievement that make arduous efforts. A such life overmatch that do not bow before difficulty, can you make a person how admire? My finger tip has delimited gently the beautiful character in the book, the tone turning over a book of one page page is wonderful like music, I am enmeshed in the clue of the with one climax following another in the book, filar silk joy ripples in mind, the magical contribution of Li Guang head makes me blow eye photograph to wait for really.


Stroke crosses blandly of a breeze my hair a bit, I look up at sun of keep a lookout, right now sun already poked cloud and mist, aureate ray bend is aspersed on the pond, wave light is crystalline. Time already passed stealthily, should go back write line of business, I look again to the sun outside the window, golden and bright, it is like posse blaze, burning in my heart, I am looking at that lofty bookcase seriously again, gave out me to laugh of understanding. Before I return desk cheerfully, took a pen afresh, there is sound of a sound to rise it seems that in the heart: The unremitting of head of “ Li Guang is not the spirit that we learn? His making arduous efforts is not the example that we learn? We should become the slave that the master and rather than of study learns! ” I hearten in the battle that throws a title again ……


The road of life, inevitable difficulty is heavy, ongoing all the time not certain gains is full; Stop offal pace, it is one kind is enjoyed sometimes, it is a kind of need sometimes, it is a kind of wisdom sometimes.


Now and then stop, really good.
