

The elder brother is a martial confusing as a child, he is dreaming all the time oneself can take an examination of a good naval college, the effectiveness that it is a country. This goes all the way, the elder brother does not forget that dream in the heart all the time, he is accumulating power all the time, struggle for the dream, that last wrestle that dreams to reach only, irruptive problem sea, capture difficulty, solve difficult problem, face successful start!

哥哥从小就是一个军事迷,他一直梦想着自己能考上一所好的海军学院,为国效力。这一路走来,哥哥一直不忘心中的那个梦想,他一直在积蓄着力量,为梦想而奋斗,只为了达成梦想的那最后一搏,冲入题海,攻克难点,解决难题,向着成功进发!( WwW.ZuowenBa.Net )

The time passes rapidly, one before you can say Jack Robinson arrived to decide the university entrance exam of important exam —— of life direction. A day that of the university entrance exam, on the street everywhere quiet exceptionally. The elder brother hurries off to examination room early. In succession two days, spend in nervous atmosphere.


Pass a paragraph of time suffer await, the university entrance exam puts a list of names posted up, the elder brother exceeded more than 30 minutes than a line, achieve what one wishes the ground is taken an examination of attended the naval project college that oneself long for day and night, began his university career.


Be! Everybody should have a dream, struggle for it, fond dream also can come true. Want you to be willing to go all out in work only, youth is to use those who struggle, is not to use those who waste. Youth is our best time, “ is become in time encourage, ” of person of years prep before, do not try hard when be worth youth, years went, did not turn round.


Let us struggle together, go all out in work together, make our —— green do not have regret! No matter the road of ahead has much night, dreamy torch can enlighten the road of the travel before you, the bosom puts first heart, advance to bright future!
