

That day, I am taking a walk leisurely on beach, trampled a good thing suddenly, excavate will look, wow, it is a conch! I want a conch as a child, this falls to get countervail place to wish eventually, taking booty cheerfully to come home.


This conch is quite big, there is the bit of a few blacks above, feel slippery slippery. I see its dazzling interior: The wall of golden color is twinkling dazzling burnish, there is the petty grain that a few cascades fold on the wall of golden color. When seeing encyclopedia, know to the private words says inside past conch, put to the side of ear to listen, can hear oneself echo. I am right inside sang a song, put in auditive edge to listen, it is the song Ye that I sing really, it is a natural “ really phonographic ” ah!


I put conch to bedside, preparation is taking it to sleep. Come up against a pillow when my head when, heard the great waves voice in the sea actually, roll surfily sound! Well? Where is the wave sound that which come to? I look at the conch of bedside, find out book thumb through immediately. Original, all sorts of sound reflex conch, after confluence rises, play again go out, can form the ” of sound of “ great waves of the sea. This day night, I was listening to the great waves sound of the sea to enter sweet dreamland.


More wonderful is, conch still is a natural “ detectaphone ” . Once, mom calls me the side busy, I am sitting in the sitting room at that time, mom is in a room, I did not hear. When I put conch casually to the side of ear, heard the voice that mom is making me however, I run into a room, see mom is calling me as expected. Too magical! Mother's so young voice, why can you become so big in conch? Original, sound is passed be rebounded inside conch, and I just stick ear in conch, sound enters earhole continuously, the voice that I hear was magnified.


How interesting conch! I like my conch, I love my conch.
