

In future 100 years, the sky has volant car not only after, return meeting somebody to taking charm aircraft to fly.


This charm aircraft follows satchel average volume, rife color chooses for you, OK also him coloring. Also not be exceedingly heavy, weight is controlled to two kilograms in a kilogram probably. Its or so both sides has a small-sized wing like the plane each, be in this aero rear, still have a whirl like helicopter. There are 3 buttons above the aircraft, one is gules, of its representing is switch, a switch that is yellow is in urgent fast when doing not have report, it can generate electricity through wind-force, will maintain a flight, want your pushbutton this yellow to press that cap to be able to be opened only, the thing like can one resembles airscrew is extended come, accept wind-force to generate electricity. The last the pushbutton that is a blue, want you to press it only, it can come out a cup of water, when avoiding you to fly thirsty. Still have even if are a joy stick and a small seat on this charm aircraft. This joy stick, it is to be able to operate imitate is aero of around direction, small seat, also not be particularly big, at the back of can fold folding to be put in knapsack.作文网 ZuoWenBa.Net


Good, the appearance of this satchel was over with respect to the introduction, talk about it again hold mass. Its model, have 3 volume, the 1st model it is to apply to a child, can carry to, 5~18 year old child, the person of the 2nd model is middleaged person try out, can bear the weight of a pregnant woman is no problem, the 3rd model be old person try out, because be the word of old person try out, it will be exceedingly firm, so, its holding mass is to be able to bear to be able to go up to a 180 jins person.


Its price not quite expensive also, small child uses, control in 500~1000 probably, the 2nd model, probably 1000~1300 left and right sides, the 3rd model, probably 1200~1500 left and right sides. Can you feel expensive?


Although there still is not this kind of aircraft now, but I believe to be met certainly in future some.
