

Today, I and classmate played a game to call thin silk of “ wash one's hands of ” .


Game regulation: Classmates are surrounded into big rounds together, among them a classmate runs round big group, lose handkerchief random a classmate, that classmate is about to recall the fellow student that loses his handkerchief. That classmate is about to run rapidly, find the position to sit down. If was caught, be about to sit in the circle among do “ captive ” .

游戏规则:同学们一起围成一个大圈,其中一个同学围着大圈跑,将手绢丢给任意一个同学,那个同学就要去追丢给他手绢的同学。那个同学就要赶紧跑,并找到位置坐下。如果被抓到了,就要坐在圈的中间做“俘虏”。来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

Game began, apace of a classmate is circling big group to run, immediately dust flies upwards. He runs to be worn with eye fling at the same time at the same time we, appear to thinking: Who should I throw after all? And right now, listen only surround some of —— of voice noisy and confused waves to cry greatly at the same time aside over there the fellow students that take into circuit: “ gives me! Give me! ” some presses his suit in “ ” : “ gives me, beg you! Let me also play! ” even the fellow student that somebody is recalling expert thin silk runs, as if should grab handkerchief from his hand come down like.


Be turn for me eventually, I did not recall the fellow student that gives me handkerchief to that. Then, I begin thin silk of wash one's hands of. I was certain Zhu Yuze, pretend to see him do not glance, when I lose handkerchief behind him, he returns muddy not to know his like that already ” of “ win a prize in a lottery, he turns the head just discovered handkerchief, climb to chase after me at once. The edge runs to look round by the side of me, did not think of he is chased after already quickly unexpectedly! He is apart from me closer and closer, should catch me immediately, I can not want to become “ captive ” ! At this moment, I see suddenly there is space among the classmate in front, ” of slippery shovel of a “ sits on the ground. But, because strong interest is too large, I am direct trip was in on the ground. Zhu Yuze also was blundered by me, press on my body. “ with a ha breaths out haing ” ! Everybody by me two teased.


Thin silk of wash one's hands of but really interesting!
