

2021 will go, a brand-new year 2022 will come. This year year it is the most special to me year, before year it is with the home people reunites, this year it is me however a the most alone year.


"Hey, treasure, you come back to spend the New Year eventually. Will let me see you well, alas, grow again tall many. Had held out well, go quickly nurse a fire, freezing... " this is now what I alone recollect. Stay Hangzhou I what spend the New Year also am met from time to time hear firecracker sound. Really full memory!

“嘿嘿,宝啊,你终于回来过年啦。来来让我好好看看你,哎呀,又长高了不少。好好挺好的,快去烤火吧,别冻着了……”这是现在孤独的我所回忆的。留杭过年的我也会时不时的听到鞭炮响。真是满满的回忆呀!出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve. Most propbably is very much the place has this tradition. Firecracker rings, new Year is lucky! In night of the New Year's Eve and home people reunites eat meal of feed the eve of the lunar New Year, eat meal of the eve of the lunar New Year to be able to be defended before the television annual spring late. Spring but evening is annual all Chinese place expect. As spring late, of New Year time also start shooting. "10987654321 Happy New Year " . Subsequently and come even if each each brush brushed firework together to be in my line of sight. Putting different ray. Accumulate containing New Year new scene, new Year new ray. Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve to the child it is some " terrible " had entered dreamland because of them, was waked suddenly to fright by firework. Little heart can be overcome. And I still discovered more interesting. It is my home dog, he also is afraid of firework, be afraid of firecracker, in us one person puts stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve hide in a corner when firework. With a rustle quiver. Dog day is not afraid that the ground is not afraid of, be afraid of firework. Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve is being defended be brought up one year old again.


Of stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve consuetudinary, have the feeling that is reluctant to leave to if parting years contains water,be reluctant to part already, the New Year that has pair of advent again sends the meaning that hopes with happiness.


Hey, wake wake! Want stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve!
