

I see story king this book, I can remember a little brother, he is the story king of be worthy of the name.


He is talktive, love to hear a story, still like to write a story. Although be to be made up foolishly, but have imagination very much oh! And some stories are very interesting also.


If go out to play, still be you when idle comes down, the story of story king begins. He always can see what makes up, say procurable dance sufficient step, the likeness of the deceased and luxuriant, often be stayed then by him the expression of bud and content are offended laugh.( 出自 WWw.ZUOwEnBa.net )


But occasionally, he is arisen, do not be in charge of you to whether learning, blame let you stop the story that hears him to tell inspiration to erupt. Not comply like you he, he aloud is told, your ear film is overcome for certain.


Hear a story in the evening everyday, I very be fed up with him, hear a story, say this says that, story ending is thought out by him. Want to hear a song in the evening, he can say: “ does not want, I want a story. ” alas, take him to do not have method really.


This is story king Little brother —— beside me, your?
