

Father by all account father loving mother, but my home is father of severe Mu Ci however. When teaching me, mom is strict like the tiger, father is tender like the kitten, give everybody introduction my tiger Mom today.


Mom has a “ the golden hair of glisten ” , eye big round, resemble two copper bell, when getting angry every time, I resemble a small prey, dare not hurried. When mom walks, hold his head high hold out a bosom, tiger Hu Shengwei, can have imposing manner.

妈妈有一头“闪闪发光”的金发,眼睛又大又圆,像两个铜铃,每次生气时我就像一个小猎物,不敢造次。妈妈走路时昂首挺胸,虎虎生威,可有气势了。作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT

Once, when I become a problem, forget write decimally, mom is original the face of smilingly immediately the fine turns shade, important place of large use too much force takes a table, take course of feather duster big growl from the side: “ you how so simple problem also err? I psyched out ” , ask mother: Where is my fault of my …… of “ my …… ah? ” she one face is solemn: You see “ again! The microscope on ” my horse, take the first stroke of a Chinese character heavy, writing decimally place to be nodded.


The home has tiger Mom true dreariness! Nevertheless, it is good that I know mom's severity is for me, face me this ursine child, mom must reincarnate and martial big tiger. I can correct defect seriously after, hope mom also can a bit tenderer, again a bit tenderer.
