

Not because why, calculate obviously oneself result is very right, but reality is so cruelty however, want to study the result that gives him satisfaction, must sink so that live to enrage.


Should sink so that live above all the bottom is angry, face an exam must self-confident, what because oneself are right,do not want to take an exam is awe-stricken and cannot develop oneself real actual strength, do not go considering the success after the exam, had done absorbedly now, lucky goddess can come certainly favor you.

首先要沉得住底气,面对考试一定要自信,不要因自己对考试的畏惧而无法发挥自己真正的实力,不要去想考试后的成绩,全神贯注地做好现在,幸运女神一定会来眷顾你。出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt

Should sink so that live next effort, the achievement of the exam is returned finally is be decided by you at ordinary times pay with effort, now our identity is a student, cannot puzzle because of libertinism present heart annals, take an exam to cannot place oneself destiny absolutely every time on luck, have dependable at ordinary times effort only, ability brings up a success that makes his satisfactory.


Must sink finally oneself air of arrogance, him likelihood has succeeded before, brilliant over- . But all these already went, and be worth pride without what, the somebody outside the person, oneself still has the space of very great progress, cherish a common heart to try hard silently.


Hope you read this essay, no matter face what issue,want sober. No matter the result is good,be bad, cannot make ultra conduct, because oneself tried hard at least.
