

My grandfather is a farmer, although not be what VIP,be a person only young farmer, but I still feel he is very fierce, because he is not afraid of the human body of fatigue “ iron and steel.


I very the grandfather is a very laborious farmer, he is mixed everyday Sang Mu, net, hoe plays lump.


Because the grandfather is a farmer, so long cross brought up the human body of steel of his that steel. Everyday he is punctual at 6 o'clock get up go picking Sang Xie, food should be picked after picking Sang Xie again, because he raised a lot of creatures, be like silkworm, pig, chicken, dog these animals. He picks my grandfather after dish, he comes back already at 7 o'clock. He comes back, look at the appearance of dripping wet of his kubla khah, I feel feel distressed.作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


The is steely human body consideration that the body of my grandfather is weighed by me is him often rise in the midnight in the winter, he is wearing a dress only, because pig “ gave birth to ” . I look at him in the home from 12 o'clock busy all the time to 4 o'clock, rising the following day still is so healthy, so spirit, so I call him the human body ” of “ iron and steel.


My grandfather, you are too painstaking, want to notice to although you have the human body of “ iron and steel,rest! ”
