

Today, I go again physical culture school swam, before comparing, swim a lot of weller!


I change the dress to come swim Chi Bian does warm up to hold, but I just finished the teacher says to the 4 people such as I and Zhang Huanrui unexpectedly: “ is big …… of fat, Zhang Huanrui you 4 people develop shower, enter the water next swim breaststroke! ” my singularly pop eye, magnify the mouth, be stupefied! “ is big fat, fast strong shower enters the water! ” Zhang Huanrui reminds. “ is good, sure! That calls to exceed big happy event in ” my heart!

我换完衣服来到泳池边做热身操,可我刚做完老师居然对我和张环瑞等四人说:“大胖、张环瑞……你们四人冲淋浴,然后下水游蛙泳!”我不可思议地瞪大了眼、张大了嘴,愣住了!“大胖,快冲淋浴下水呀!”张环瑞提醒到。“好,没问题!”我心里那叫一个超大的喜呀!作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

Unloaded water my demur does not say to be sucked greatly at a heat, get downward: “ one, 2 take a breath, one, 2 take a breath! The silent in ” my heart reads aloud. such, I swim ah swim, swim ah swim again take a breath, unexpectedly imperceptible in swim to terminus of deep water area all the time from start of shallow water area! Midway also did not stand up! The “ that sees a bank go up again Wang Kaiming of 2 fat ” , already so open-eyed that was stupefied. Hahahaha, I can't help belly laugh, 2 fat little faces also are in a second in changeover is become lovely, the expression of bud bud Da, envy, see his look, what I laugh is fast suffocative.


“ is big fat, I refuse to obey, why can you enter the water ahead of schedule am I no good? I want to be compared with you! ” issued the Wang Kaiming brandish of water to begin to say to me. “ is compared, you swim first! ” Wang Kaiming swam first 10 seconds control me to be chased after closely.


Swam when me the Zhang Huanrui when circuit tells me, I used 34 seconds to exceed Wang Kaiming only, and Wang Kaiming because won't take a breath is pulled out to practice by the coach.


I like to swim!
